WSG Graveyards.

Opinion said:
Anyone know what the purpose of the change was? In plain black and white form, what was the reasoning.

To prove how easily they can piss a large number of people off. =)
Opinion said:
Anyone know what the purpose of the change was? In plain black and white form, what was the reasoning.

Something about stopping people from running straight back into FR defense with full health/mana when they die or something.
Kiwifruit said:
Something about stopping people from running straight back into FR defense with full health/mana when they die or something.

They actually said it was to help stop graveyard camping, but what you said is probably more likely. Im not sure why they announced it the other way though.
OK now i think the question now is .

Has anyone found any wall jumps to avoid running alllllllllll the way around yet. a youtube would be very sexy.
this was the blue post

“The days of graveyard camping in Warsong Gulch may be coming to an end soon, thanks to some new plans we have in store for the battleground in patch 4.1:

We are moving the graveyards to their own terrain level, preventing camping by members of the opposing team.

However, this will also serve another purpose; players will no longer be able to respawn and run straight back into their flag room. They will either have to drop down then run up the tunnel, or go around the top of the base. This adds around 20 seconds to the journey from the graveyard to the flag room.â€￾

camping of GY's is worse now than before, if you team gets off to a bad start, you are easily trapped like rats
shanker said:
camping of GY's is worse now than before, if you team gets off to a bad start, you are easily trapped like rats

I played a few games today and found people dont really camp it, basically because there is no point. In order for spawned players to do anything useful (eg, defened) they have to jump down and run all the way around. Where as before all they had to do was run back into the flag room only a few steps away. There is no longer any reason to kill these spawned players, they arent going anywhere but all the way back round so it is more logical to camp a different spot. With this new update it becomes all about the location, if a group is dominating they will not hang around the GY because it is a waste of time and now unnecessary because spawned players have no where to go except forward.
Scissortwink said:
I played a few games today and found people dont really camp it, basically because there is no point. In order for spawned players to do anything useful (eg, defened) they have to jump down and run all the way around. Where as before all they had to do was run back into the flag room only a few steps away. There is no longer any reason to kill these spawned players, they arent going anywhere but all the way back round so it is more logical to camp a different spot. With this new update it becomes all about the location, if a group is dominating they will not hang around the GY because it is a waste of time and now unnecessary because spawned players have no where to go except forward.

You is drunk, sir.

It's because they can only move FORWARD that it's become easier to camp. They can't escape through the back anymore.

They should at least add a reviving immunity, like the spectral immunity, only it remains while you remain on the platform when you resurrect.
I think this exactly is the difference between good and bad teams/players... bad ones now still farm the GY nevertheless it doesn't support the other teamplayers who attacks the EFC mostly in base.

If a team wins a game through GY farming, its a bad team. There is no 'teamspirit' or a good tactic behind, only killing the respawning enemies and then, if the whole defenders are dead, you can kill the EFC very easy. Everybody who still has a bit honor and pride shouldn't do that with this change of GY (and therefore it could be, that this was the intention by blizzard to lower the GY). And I really hope that most of the 19s community has that spirit to not do that to win a game :)
This change drastically cuts down the number of FR turtle games. If you kill a player they have a very long walk to get back to the FR to defend. This also cuts down on GY turtle games. I guess GY camping could also be interpreted from the defensive perspective blizzard doesn't specifiy which type of camping they mean. GY camping or GY turtling on D means holding the flag in your GY.
Fizzfizz said:
also this kenji douchebag has been all over my ass since the start of the thread because i made the original post on a 0 rbg rated toon. NO ONE HAS OTHER TOONS THEY PLAY AMIRITE.

He's a douche but the posts you were making about RBGs were simply wrong.
Easy solution, add a second graveyard.

If anyone didn't notice, you can select a preferred graveyard in TB and WG.
2 blues on EU allready on this subject.

Old one: graveyard camping in bgs - Forums - World of Warcraft

17763150805 said:
We have an update on this topic for you :)

The days of graveyard camping in Warsong Gulch may be coming to an end soon, thanks to some new plans we have in store for the battleground in patch 4.1:

We are moving the graveyards to their own terrain level, preventing camping by members of the opposing team.

However, this will also serve another purpose; players will no longer be able to respawn and run straight back into their flag room. They will either have to drop down then run up the tunnel, or go around the top of the base. This adds around 20 seconds to the journey from the graveyard to the flag room.

New one: Why are the graveyards in WSG lowered? - Forums - World of Warcraft


19992458851 said:
There are two forms of "GY Camping".

One is having attackers in/around the GY, controlling and/or killing players as they respawn. The other is bringing your flag carrier (and sometimes, entire team) to the GY to negate as much as possible the viability of killing defending healers in order to bring down the flag carrier.

The elevation changes to the GY in WSG addresses the second form by making it a lot harder for the flag carrier to get back into the flag room and capture, should he chose to stick around in the GY.


19992459125 said:
Slorkuz, you also have to notice that respawners wont be able to get back up and into the flagroom, actuelly making the attack a bit more interesting, rather than the FC standing on the FP*, waiting for the others to respawn. It increases the traveltime by wast amounts, if I understood it right.

PS. I haven't actuelly seen it meself, this is theorycrafting made from what I've heard, read and imagined through impressions.

*-Flag Point

Answer Slorkuz:

19992459154 said:

I am pretty excited about seeing what strategy alterations these changes will bring in the long run.
I rofl at these blue posts. You stop people playing d in the graveyards, but now every single wsg from 10 to 84 will be one side camping the other team to death, followed by them fast 3 capping. How did they ever think this was a good idea. Pretty much they took the most abusive playstyle "graveyard camping" and made it the best strategy to win every wsg.

Come on Blizz, I know you dont have many good pvpers on staff, but cant you ask for advice next time?
If you kill players on the opposite team he's got a long walk back to help on defense. looks like CC mages might want to setup freeze positions in the tunnel or even near the enemy GY to prevent defense from getting to the their FC.

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