rogue ranged slot

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Guns/bows wont stop 2-ticks, won't even effect a flash heal or FoL, and they will be outranged before you can even get them off most of the time. How is this not glaringly obvious?
Thrown has a .5 sec cast time, weapon speed is the CD. Guns/bows/xbows have a 1.5 sec cast time, weapon speed is the CD. Those rules do not apply to hunters, their autoshot fires off the same way a melee weapon autoattack does.
I actually learned something. Or.. I suppose I could be too tired to think things through.

Either way - thanks.
did this thread make any else's head ache a little?
Sàxxon said:
use throat piercers if u have 40% crit

<3 sax

But you're human so you have 12 more stam than me. I NEEDS THE HPEES!


Volsci said:
Shoot - Spell - World of Warcraft (shoot) --> one second cast time


Throw - Spell - World of Warcraft (throw) --> instant

EDIT: wowhead vs Rivfader. I'd go with him, personally.

This is true, but from the time you start attacking until an attack lands there is a .5 sec wait for MH and ranged attacks and a 1 sec wait for OH attacks so in total it is .5 sec for thrown and 1.5 sec for gun/bow/xbow. If thrown was truely instant you would be able to cast it while moving, which is impossible (try if you don't believe me :p).
it doesn't really matter. Why?.. Because of these reasons: use thrown since it can stop a bandage tick or stop a druid/rogue from restealthing (if you stop to throw they will most likely get away from you) or throw meanwhile some one is healing to add a little bit more time (they will still get the heal off if you are only one going after them). So out of the 3 possible scenarios only stopping bandage ticks sounds best. So imo use which ever weapon gives best stats or which ever stats you need doesn't matter. Fyi i have played on my rogue not many people use first aid often, when they do they LoS so in the end you end up having to run to them or be a good rogue and run and re-stealth.
well you guys seem pretty adamant that the utility of thrown is far superior to the stats from bows and guns. i guess i will have to accept that as the answer to my original question. i personally don't encounter a whole lot of scenarios where rogues and druids restealthing is an issue (keeping them in combat keeps you in combat which also keeps you out of stealth...lose?) and if a dude tries to bandage, that allows me time to break combat and restealth. like the guy above me said, most people los before bandaging so you usually have to get up in their grill to interrupt it anyway. with holy paladins (instant heals) and priests (shield) being the majority of the healers in bgs, there isn't a whole lot to interrupt anyway. so again, i'll live with the nub rogue baddie title and keep my minuscule stats until i see hard proof that thrown is without a doubt better.
Volsci said:
I would agree that for * the most part * you would take the stats on your ranged slot, for the obvious reason that rogues are not a range-heavy class, and it isn't going to be a reliable source of damage.. so the stats are better allocated to boost your main source of damage, melee.

HOWEVER, it is my opinion that a thrown weapon is > the stats of a bow/gun for any serious play, simply because the cast time is so much faster. The health pools in this bracket are small enough that, for the most part, one heavy runecloth bandaid is a full heal - and that small cast time ( vs the larger one of a gun/bow) could be the difference between you winning the duel, downing the EFC, or not. Especially if that EFC is someone good, you simply don't want to give them the benefit of an extra bandaid tick or two before it is interrupted. It is also much more likely that you will hit a druid/rogue running away to stealth with a thrown then a bow, just because you give yourself more of a cushion on the timer.

So, the reasons are:

-interrupt bandaids \ pushback on heals

-keep opponents in combat

You could swap out, but as stated that cast time is what I am looking at, I personally think it would be a waste of a GCD. So, pick the BiS thrown & ranged weapon for you, and use them accordingly.

Just my 2c,


EDIT: upon a reread.. I just realized how heavily towards a bow/gun that sounds. I meant to come across that if you don't care about BiS/serious play and just want the highest stats \ damage, pick up a bow\gun. If you are playing seriously at all, use thrown.

Finally someone who gets it.
well i tested both out pretty extensively tonight and i can see how the utility of thrown can be clutch in a lot of scenarios...BUT...most of the opportunities that i had interrupt a bandage or keep a rogue in stealth, they used line of sight to keep me from doing it. i can also say that once or twice an enemy rogue used it against me as well. sure it kept me in combat, and i couldn't stealth. so i kept running till i could again. not a huge ordeal really. a minor inconvenience. i guess my playstyle doesn't rely too much on using ranged anyway so once again, i'm sticking with my stats.
wisket said:
well i tested both out pretty extensively tonight and i can see how the utility of thrown can be clutch in a lot of scenarios...BUT...most of the opportunities that i had interrupt a bandage or keep a rogue in stealth, they used line of sight to keep me from doing it. i can also say that once or twice an enemy rogue used it against me as well. sure it kept me in combat, and i couldn't stealth. so i kept running till i could again. not a huge ordeal really. a minor inconvenience. i guess my playstyle doesn't rely too much on using ranged anyway so once again, i'm sticking with my stats.

Having a thrown weapon is an additional tool in the same way that engy bombs are additional tools. If used correctly they give you a significant advantage. If you don't use them you are gimped, plain and simple. I dislike using consumables because I hate farming them, that's a personal choice. It doesn't discount the fact that having bombs available for use would probably benefit me and my team much more than 9 crit rating. Afterall what significance does 3% crit really have, my ambush would still crit 100% of the time and I find it had to believe that my damage would drop noticably.
sure. that's understandable. i'm just saying that i don't use it enough to validate gimping stats to have a thrown weapon in that slot. i'm also kind of under the presumption that all of these reasons a rogue should carry thrown aren't even a rogue's primary responsibility. i mean, keeping dudes in combat at range? sounds like a job for one of the 9 hunters on my team. i said, it's just not my playstyle. to all you guys who use thrown on a regular basis with success, more power to you. thanks for the input er'body.
You were asking why most rogues use thrown, there's your answer. Most rogues put them to good use. Most rogue are also used to playing skirm where there was no question about using them.
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