Neutral AH


Hey guys, I've checked the forums and I didn't see an actual tread about this so here it is for the ones who didn't know it yet. (feel free to tell me if there is a post about this)

If you have a friend you can trust and want to transfer some items from Alliance to Horde, it is possible through the neutral at at Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, etc...

Give your friend the items, let him put them on the neutral AH, and buy them on your account of the opposite faction. If you want to do this with gold, create an auction on the account you want the gold and let your friend buy it out. ( this is not possible to do on one account because the items won't show up @ the AH)


The real lesson is look out for snipers. When you go to do this always look in the three locations (Tanaris, Cape of Stranglethorn, and Winterspring) for characters that should not be there. For instance, if you see a level 1 in Booty Bay be very suspicious, etc. Always test with a cheap item first that you don't care if you lose before you go putting your Shadowfang or whatever on there. Trust me on this...there's always someone that will be faster at buying that auction than you...and it's perfectly legal within the TOS of the game. I even suggest putting very expensive items for a price that will discourage snipers (1000g or so) because it's better to eat the Neutral AH cut than lose the item all together. And finally, make sure you have the Real ID of the person that's helping you so that you can communicate quickly and effectively. You'd hate to lose an item because of a lack of communication.

Inkobah said:
The real lesson is look out for snipers.


This, I have make 10s of thousands of gold, buying the items they put in the neutral AH. You need to have a level appropriate character though to make it not look suspecious. I did have my level 18 troll priest in BB and I actually told the person that was doing this "Oh hey, look at all this potential money I can get". They paniced and pleeded me not to do buy out the herbs. I agreed not too, but I warned them to keep an eye out for other people because; they may not be as forgiving as I am.

I highly suggest doing this with 2 accounts that you own on window mode, that way you limit the chances of any "snipers" picking off your auctions.
i dual box my accounts when moving goods across the goblin AH. i never list anything for lower than 1s to avoid snipe bots.

selling anything with a high buyout price gets expensive as the Goblin AH takes 15% of sale. i prefer not to move gold in that form thru their AH. also keep in mind they have High deposit fees as well.

my 29 is also parked in BB, but this is more a throwback from when she was farming AGMs, i haven't changed her hearth in so long
fatterknacker said:
i dual box my accounts when moving goods across the goblin AH. i never list anything for lower than 1s to avoid snipe bots.

selling anything with a high buyout price gets expensive as the Goblin AH takes 15% of sale. i prefer not to move gold in that form thru their AH. also keep in mind they have High deposit fees as well.

my 29 is also parked in BB, but this is more a throwback from when she was farming AGMs, i haven't changed her hearth in so long

Trust me it's not going to cut it for you do post for > 1s. They'll still get you...and they're almost always faster than you. And btw, there could be bots doing this but it's usually real people tabbed out and they tab in when they get a prompt and buy it ridiculously fast. I know everyone assumes it's a bot but it's almost always not. As far as the neutral AH tax, I'll say again, it gets expensive but it's way better than losing the item all together.


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