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  1. Just a idea

    ... not sure if speaking English or some unknown abstract internet language But thank you.. I guess? >.>
  2. Just a idea

    Yeah, sorry I should of been a little more clear. This would all be within twink info.
  3. Just a idea

    So lately I've noticed a drop off in the 70 bracket arenas as far as real competitive play, and I think I may have a idea as to why that is. At level cap when you achieve somthing substantial you are rewarded, with a title, and with that title comes pride and respect. I know it sounds stupid...
  4. Best Server for Horde lvl 70 Twinking/Raiding?

    Retro on thrall if your into raiding, though 99% of them suck horribly at any form of PvP. Nerd cleave is decent at best, and is really the only choice on horde if your looking for PvP. Most of them backpeadle and have shit arena ratings but there RBG record is pretty high. Though from what...
  5. Warrior Viability

    I agree it is situational as far as tazic/Synapse. Over all I think tazic is always a better option as far as scoring a kill with any class, including a warrior. This bracket is all about burst, if you able to land any CC on the other teams healer, a good Reck-->Storm with a Tazic should be...
  6. FR Gear :)

    FR as in full resil? Edit: because even if you do stack full resil, mages will just kill you in 3 shots instead of 2.
  7. Whats your 70 Going to look like after Transmogrification

    Just asked my guild and they said Transmog has a ilevel requirement on the gear being transmoged. Sorry guys but it looks like 70 twinks wont be able to transmog anything.
  8. "Game hates me" CONFIRMED.

    Some of you kids may remember me if you played on reckoning during season 8-9. We had the rank one 2s team for almost two seasons, and the highest Priest Rogue team US for a long time. Well I'm back after a long break from this shit game... Anyway to the point of the thread: I posted...
  9. Max Resil Mage Fc set. HELP

    + Roll dwarf for the 10% damage Reduction racial ( not sure if dwarfs can be mages) but if so that would give you max damage Reduction.
  10. Wanting to get into 70s

    Don't duel weild frost, its garbage. 2H has always had better stable damage control and the RP gain is retarded. Though honestly a amazing unholy DK (assuming you know what your doing) has the best damage out put and control atm. You seem new though based off your questions. If this is...
  11. RBG Titles and Arena Master removed in 4.3?????????????

    I honestly Hope they do remove it from all existing 70s. As well as giving tazic a level requirement (like 80+). Then these skill-less idiots with tazic that win traded there way up to Arena master would have to really earn the title. Or at least some what earn it, since balancing the damage...
  12. gladiator question

    The reason it hasn't been done before is because glad (generally) is 2700+ and as far as I know there has never been anyone to get over 2600 in 3s at 70. You would have to win trade all season to do it and when you hit 85 in order to enable the team you have to win at least one game to lock in...
  13. My 70 twink overview video

    Liked it. Few things over all (such as the class ratings) were a little off but it was great info for anyone trying to get into the 70 twink bracket.
  14. LF a 80 raiding and or PvP guild

    Yeah I looked at CoU like I said, and everything looked great. But the gear requirements for you raids just don't work for me, and I'm guessing a lot of other people feel the same which is why you can't run 25 mans.
  15. LF a 80 raiding and or PvP guild

    Hey guys long time no see. I was looking for a 80 twink raiding guild, I don't know if to many exist at the moment. ________________________________________________________________________ Here is what I am looking for: Must be on the US Horde guild, tho I might faction change if...
  16. qing 2s

  17. Arena master @70

    Yes but will it blend?
  18. Official 70's 5v5 Thread of Awesome 1.0

    Any all tazic shocker 5s teams yet?
  19. Should I level to 85?

    Level to 85 Roll Frost Q for Arena ??? Profit. Your welcome.
  20. qing 2s

    Rofl only a 89% win ratio running priest mage with tazic.. awww kid you make me laugh. And you were braggin about being top rated in the world haha. see u soon ;)