LF a 80 raiding and or PvP guild


Hey guys long time no see.

I was looking for a 80 twink raiding guild, I don't know if to many exist at the moment.


Here is what I am looking for:

Must be on the US

Horde guild, tho I might faction change if the guild is really awesome!

Raids all or at least most content (Don't care if its 10-25)

Is active

Raid for the sake of old times and fun, not looking for any of the hardcore bull shit.


I already looked at the <Champions of Ulduar> and though Uldar is fun it will get boring fast, and my DK has some heroic ICC 25 Gear so I would out gear most of that content anyway.

So anyway if anyone knows of or is currently in a good 80 raiding guild feel free to post something, i'm taking every guild into consideration no matter their current raid size/exp.

Here's a link to my DKs armory page in advance Nukkalol @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Peace ;)
saftey dance disco on exodork horde does pve the most i think, but i believe they pug a lot of 85s. if youre looking for full 80 raids, that dont care about out gearing the content, i dont know
Champions of Ulduar

- US PvE

- Horde

- 10m focused now, dont have the numbers for 25m but ultimately its our goal

- We dont raid just ulduar, we raid naxx/os/eoe weekly along with ulduar. Once we have at least yogg+1 light down on farm we'll move onto toc, once anub hc mode is on farm, onto icc & etc.

We understand people have heroic icc gear, we still take those people as long as they use that gear outside of raids. We require you to be in no gear above 213 unless its 219/226 boe obtained from ulduar itself and its not a 226 crafted item.

We arent exactly hardcore but we do try to create authenticity, challenge, & of course fun.

To most people in champions of ulduar who are or were in it came here to experience it for the challenge & authenticity as I've already stated. If we come in here with full cata gear with a full 10m group or even 25m then what fun is that to even see a bosses certain mechanic. Remember shut down with flame levi 4 tower? No need if your in icc hc gear. Remember os+3d before ulduar was out? No problem in icc gear, just zerg it.

We dont like to skip mechanics like that or otherwise experience the fight to easy for its own good.

If this is something your looking into then champions of ulduar is the best guild you will find of its kind on US side.

I dont know much about other guilds other than not so retro and the one falkor stated. If champions of ulduar isnt your taste you might look to them. I wont post anymore info about them for several reasons such as CoU's own good and to avoid creating issues such as stating false material about the guilds.

Good luck in your search and if CoU is your choice feel free to apply & speak to me in-game.
Yeah I looked at CoU like I said, and everything looked great. But the gear requirements for you raids just don't work for me, and I'm guessing a lot of other people feel the same which is why you can't run 25 mans.
Thats probably true but we dont like to faceroll and your right, thats peoples choice. I sometimes feel like I just wanna get a group of people regardless of gear and walk faceroll into a raid. Honestly I do

But our guild isnt setup that way

If you change your mind for whatever reason we'll be happy to take you.

Good luck in your search

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