Arena master @70


Arena Master - come at me

This is to all ya'll dilly dallying at 2.2k thinking you're the shit. More than happy to server change and pay 10k to any player able to best my 2v2/3v3/5v5 all round. This is most definitely a bragging thread and intended to get a lot of those who think they run the 70 scene hot and bothered, I know i'm the best you don't need to reassure me, just know my offer and praise me for my achievements x

^ masterjamie93


and if you think youre big because you can smash people at 70 then i hope you never check out the 85 scene cause you probably cant even be a 2200 hero baddie <-- myself

Jeego, poor argument man, just like hotpockets you fail to understand the consequences of wintrading, keep up the hating son, oh and link your armoury plx.

^ masterjamie93

I will come at you on this. lets start with the very odd statistics in your armory i find it a bit odd you won literally 100% of the 5s games possible but i doubt it also where are your partners for this feat? surely they could chime in on this.

I understand the consequences of wintrading you however, seem to be a bit off in your idea of what it is. just because you wintrade doesnt mean you will get banned theres plenty of people who wintrade that dont get banned... one of my partners for season 3 was a merc glad who wintraded above a priest rogue team to steal it on the last night but he didnt get banned despite getting reported and the mass of forum drama that ensued. for season 3 on one of the battlegroups i played the r 1,2,3 teams all wintraded the r3 team tanked a bunch of rating on the last week due to poor matchups but payed an in guild friend to wintrade him back up to r3 (the gap between r3 and r1 was to large for his friends team to feeder him all the way up at the time) he then reported the r2 and r1 team for wintrading to get their ratings reset but when he got reported nothing happened and he walked away with vengful gladiator (he still is playing on that toon today). the teams he reported only lost their rating and didnt eat any bans or a suspe)ntion in fact i only know of a few people who have ever been banned for wintrading most get a 3 day suspention at most and usually not even that (they often lose pvp gear and ratings)

Heres a really good article about how blizz failed to take care of some obvious wintrading if you want hard evidence its about the insane amount of wintrading and account sharing that went on in season 8 for the sake of tieing into wrathful gladiator titles and guess what pretty much all of the people that were reported didnt eat any bans and got to keep their titles

As for hating i rly couldnt care if you are the best or not cause its simply not true and even if it was i wouldnt care because i cant rly change your mind about yourself but, i do care when people brag about a wellfare title in a braket that requires next to no effort and go about saying how they are so guuudddd I dont even play 70s anymore and i still run it in the sense you mean more than you ever will

I say you should level to 85 and play it since you are so good and make some money selling glad titles and such instead of offering a pathetic 10k to people who can beat whatever faceroll comp you may run, sadly you would most likely be crushed in endgame arena and if you made it to 2200 (not even that impressive anymore) I would be pretty damn amazed, but you will stay on your lvl 70 and talk smack because you cant hack it in endgame content and dont get the idea in your head that because you can achieve 2200 in 70s you just might be good at this game.

theres always gonna be someone who actually knows what they are talking about like pockets or myself who will call people on their bs haters gonna hate
why is it always the EU people that take 70 arena so srsly.


but srslsy. Masterjamie your shit and id consider just killing yourself because you are obviously retarded and i just lost a faith in humanity.
Also dont think i didnt catch the date you got arena master and the day you posted and your 2700 3s achieve
Jeego said:
Heres a really good article about how blizz failed...

think you forgot the link. but if its the one sober linked a few months ago, its a good read

Soberlolz said:
i just lost a faith in humanity.

just one faith? how many faiths ya got sir

edit: inb4 lock b/c you remade a closed thread

but how many faiths do you have?!
Hey guys, My mother is a arctic wolf and My step dad is Bear Grylls but my biological father is Chuck Norris. I bench 410, I'm almost 9 years old, My dick is 14'(UNERECT) and I have my chemical engineering degree from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the Moon. I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!
Kruul said:
Hey guys, My mother is a arctic wolf and My step dad is Bear Grylls but my biological father is Chuck Norris. I bench 410, I'm almost 9 years old, My dick is 14'(UNERECT) and I have my chemical engineering degree from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the Moon. I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!

lol you're a son of a bitch
Kruul said:
Hey, steroids make your penis bigger!

Only appears that way, Roids make your balls shrink, which in turn makes you penis to appear bigger because when looking down thats really all you have to compare it to in size outside of a ruler.

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