Warrior Viability


I've been playing my little 70 warrior since late '09, and I've seen plenty of ups and downs but right now they're by far at their lowest as of yet.

Regardless, I continue to play her because unlike on my mage, I have to try for wins.

So, I've come here with a question about viability of gear, and comps.

Any comp that would work well for a warrior would be a welcomed Idea, because I'd like to coninue to play mine and try to excell with it.

Also, if theres anything that would make me more viable as far as gear/gems/chants go, I'm welcome to suggestions.


Don't mind the current teams, was doing twos wins towards my 300 tabard and I decided to replace my mage on my threes team for some good old TSG.
I've been playing my little 70 warrior since late '09, and I've seen plenty of ups and downs but right now they're by far at their lowest as of yet.

Regardless, I continue to play her because unlike on my mage, I have to try for wins.

So, I've come here with a question about viability of gear, and comps.

Any comp that would work well for a warrior would be a welcomed Idea, because I'd like to coninue to play mine and try to excell with it.

Also, if theres anything that would make me more viable as far as gear/gems/chants go, I'm welcome to suggestions.


Don't mind the current teams, was doing twos wins towards my 300 tabard and I decided to replace my mage on my threes team for some good old TSG.

Gear seems fine, altough i would get the battlemaster trinket who can be usefull + 2000 hp on use.

Get the other pvp ring from Sunwell, muru i think it is.

Wile for enchants it seems perfect.

Spec you took imp slam wile i rather use SS - Bladestorm and 2/2 drums of war, but that's a matter of taste i guess.

Holy Paladin - Warrior for 2's seem the best at the moment, or with a Resto Shaman spam dispelling.

3's Your better of going Prot with 1 x frost mage and 1 x priest or 1 Resto Shaman - Holy Paladin.

Or try TSG, unsure how good it works tough.

Hope it helps.
Much appreciated, and I have the second resil ring from M'uru, its jut if I replace Illidans ring I'll lose a signifcant amount of Hit rating.

I'll definately consider the Battlemaster trinket, thanks for the input.

And I'm enjoying TSG, its just getting countered by double mage healer teams that becomes a problem.

Ah ye i bet, that's just the less skilled required 3's composition ever.

Tried going hard on Priest wile ccing the 2 mages ?
I agree with Nesyla, this was what I was going to suggest as well.

There has only been one team with a warrior I had trouble with after Cata, and that was with a warrior being spam dispelled and I just couldn't get him off me.

Can't remember what class was dispelling him though, but you need the dispells. You really really need the dispells.

Edit: 2s
+ 1

I dident notice you Synapse.

You really need synapse as a warrior, that with recklessness gives about 7-8 k overpowers.

I'd have synapse as well if RNG we're kinder to me. This last releveling of Engineering was the 4th time I've done it. Never seen Synapse, only got to see this tazik this go about. And while I would keep re-leveling but my gold does not flow infinitely.
I'd have synapse as well if RNG we're kinder to me. This last releveling of Engineering was the 4th time I've done it. Never seen Synapse, only got to see this tazik this go about. And while I would keep re-leveling but my gold does not flow infinitely.

Aye i understand, on my 56 Black Temple run 0 main hand.

But it's really worth it.
I'd suggest resto sham warrior for 2s, as you won't be surviving a mage without interupts and mage can spellsteal freedom from hpally making a shammy better partner. Unfortunately you'll be meeting 90% of teams with a mage in if you get above 2.2k so i'd try aim to counter that

Warrior is indeed the hardest class to play in the bracket without a doubt, so alot of respect and +1 for perseverance from me sir.
Nesyla, Should I got prot for threes- which would be more appropriate; Synapse or Tazik?

Situational here... I have synapse on my pally, rogue, and tazik on my mage, both synapse/tazik on my lock. I think their both equally good, but if the tazik crits> then again idk much about warriors seeing as i've never played one... So 480 stregnth might be amazing and make up for all that pvp gear. I'd say go prot in 2's and 3's, depending on what your queueing against... I'm telling you right now play with a resto shaman in 2's and you will never kill anything. Any rogue,mage,dk, druid, you name it as far as dps goes will eventually shit on you when your shaman has no trinket. Shamans can interupt like mad, but their damage is crap. At least with a priest you can mana burns and as prot you can survive and do nice damage. With a pally everyone knows about exo spam. Good warrior/pally teams will use freedom on the pally as he pillar humps and dispels the warrior. Sure there's a chance the mage will steal it, but hey use it to break novas then have a macro that removes it. Don't forget about denounce on a pally as well. As far as your 3's and playing with a dk, sounds like a headache to me, but man if you have fun playing it go for it! That's what it's all about

Also you could drop some resil imo, swap out some 20's for 10str/10cri... Drop down to like say 500 resil, pick up the shield from felmyst, ring from entropius and even tweak out your gear. I'd pickup your bis belt for another gem (http://www.wowhead.com/item=33331) Chain of unleashed rage, I believe that's your bis belt that's another 2 sockets
swap out that trinket for the expertise one from sunwell, it has the 2k hp on use that someone mentioned above and it will allow you to get out of gemming expertise. Maybe even get the sword from the first boss in sunwell it's pretty legit that will surely keep you from gemming expertise.

well that's all i have i do believe... I'd say go human as well, but the 90 second escape artist is nice, but hey warriors aren't like they were at 70 damage is wack and you will get cc'd all day by mages. anyway if you need help ask away most peeps on this site are nice and willing to help.
I agree it is situational as far as tazic/Synapse. Over all I think tazic is always a better option as far as scoring a kill with any class, including a warrior. This bracket is all about burst, if you able to land any CC on the other teams healer, a good Reck-->Storm with a Tazic should be enough to kill almost anything. But again its all about the timing and not wasting it to take a shield off or something like that.

Also This is just a personal preference but the I would take the Sonic booster trinket over your current trinket. It Proc rate on hit is 100% and its internal cool down is relatively low, also the Extra 81 Stam it offers will help a lot with your sustainability in prolonged fights. Also I would pick up at least your your T-6 Boots and belt for the extra Gem slots. And yes you are a little heavy on resil/Expertise gems.

Over all though your really close.
I agree it is situational as far as tazic/Synapse. Over all I think tazic is always a better option as far as scoring a kill with any class, including a warrior. This bracket is all about burst, if you able to land any CC on the other teams healer, a good Reck-->Storm with a Tazic should be enough to kill almost anything. But again its all about the timing and not wasting it to take a shield off or something like that.

Also This is just a personal preference but the I would take the Sonic booster trinket over your current trinket. It Proc rate on hit is 100% and its internal cool down is relatively low, also the Extra 81 Stam it offers will help a lot with your sustainability in prolonged fights. Also I would pick up at least your your T-6 Boots and belt for the extra Gem slots. And yes you are a little heavy on resil/Expertise gems.

Over all though your really close.

I'll probably switch my trinkets out, its just I enjoy the expertise and resileince. Warriors are exceedinly squishy, and any mage or decent rogue can easily burst me down. I recently switched the stats in my gear (2 weeks ago). I went from 430 to 560 resil and my survivability has drastically increased, and I only lost ~150-200ap from swapping the gear. I also got tazik shortly after the switch, which made the resil more viable because I can achieve more burst. I'll probably drop a bit of resil, but for the most part this is a wonderful set-up, and is thanks to all of you contributing your input. I appreciate everything thats been said in this thread thus far, its given me alot to consider and think about.
I agree it is situational as far as tazic/Synapse. Over all I think tazic is always a better option as far as scoring a kill with any class, including a warrior. This bracket is all about burst, if you able to land any CC on the other teams healer, a good Reck-->Storm with a Tazic should be enough to kill almost anything. But again its all about the timing and not wasting it to take a shield off or something like that.

Also This is just a personal preference but the I would take the Sonic booster trinket over your current trinket. It Proc rate on hit is 100% and its internal cool down is relatively low, also the Extra 81 Stam it offers will help a lot with your sustainability in prolonged fights. Also I would pick up at least your your T-6 Boots and belt for the extra Gem slots. And yes you are a little heavy on resil/Expertise gems.

Over all though your really close.

Oh, and also on t6 boots and belt- They have no stamina on the dps set. Which would be exceedingly counterproductive considering you suggested the sonic booster because of staminas importance.
Situational here... I have synapse on my pally, rogue, and tazik on my mage, both synapse/tazik on my lock. I think their both equally good, but if the tazik crits&gt; then again idk much about warriors seeing as i've never played one... So 480 stregnth might be amazing and make up for all that pvp gear. I'd say go prot in 2's and 3's, depending on what your queueing against... I'm telling you right now play with a resto shaman in 2's and you will never kill anything. Any rogue,mage,dk, druid, you name it as far as dps goes will eventually shit on you when your shaman has no trinket. Shamans can interupt like mad, but their damage is crap. At least with a priest you can mana burns and as prot you can survive and do nice damage. With a pally everyone knows about exo spam. Good warrior/pally teams will use freedom on the pally as he pillar humps and dispels the warrior. Sure there's a chance the mage will steal it, but hey use it to break novas then have a macro that removes it. Don't forget about denounce on a pally as well. As far as your 3's and playing with a dk, sounds like a headache to me, but man if you have fun playing it go for it! That's what it's all about

Also you could drop some resil imo, swap out some 20's for 10str/10cri... Drop down to like say 500 resil, pick up the shield from felmyst, ring from entropius and even tweak out your gear. I'd pickup your bis belt for another gem (http://www.wowhead.com/item=33331) Chain of unleashed rage, I believe that's your bis belt that's another 2 sockets
swap out that trinket for the expertise one from sunwell, it has the 2k hp on use that someone mentioned above and it will allow you to get out of gemming expertise. Maybe even get the sword from the first boss in sunwell it's pretty legit that will surely keep you from gemming expertise.

well that's all i have i do believe... I'd say go human as well, but the 90 second escape artist is nice, but hey warriors aren't like they were at 70 damage is wack and you will get cc'd all day by mages. anyway if you need help ask away most peeps on this site are nice and willing to help.

Chain of unleashed rage isn't bis, th red belt of battle is bis, you need 350 bs and the recipe is from tempestkeep
Chain of unleashed rage isn't bis, th red belt of battle is bis, you need 350 bs and the recipe is from tempestkeep

well most people go jc/eng for neck and trinkets/tinkers so therefore chain of unleashed would be bis, to 99% of the warriors out there...

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