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  1. Account help

    Yeah so, I can't remember the password to my main account, or my email to send it (probably the same password). So is there any way I can chat with an Admin to discuss me getting my account password and email changed? Hope for fast feedback. Thanks.
  2. German forums?

    Trying to learn more german, my school no longer offers it. I visit forums daily, so I was thinking maybe a German twink forum would help.
  3. German forums?

    Hey, I know there is a french twink forums, but does anyone know if there is a German one? This would help me a lot please. Thanks.
  4. Best fc class?why?

    So far this has been the most informative thread I've read for a good 6 months... 5 Stars *****
  5. Rain-spotted Cape vs. Wispy Cloak?

    This is attainable, I've never gotten it myself but I've heard of people who have. And according to sites it is possible to get.
  6. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    I think fishing is bugged, every time bubble wiggles, it says fish got away... and I know for a fact I'm not just getting bad luck a few times... because I've tried 54 times now. >.> EDIT: TY FOR FIXING! Will keep you posted on bugs/errors/whatevah
  7. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Fix furbolg yet? 1k hp over 10sec is really OP brah...
  8. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    am in gurubashi.. when is this "event" starting? EDIT: Omg wait.. did you make it to where chest spawns every hour??? :O
  9. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Just read that system message, nice fishing addition, that'll be so pro bro. You know I'll be on for that.
  10. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Omw to gurubashi btw, hope the event is still on?
  11. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Furbolg Medicine pouch works for lvl 1s on here. They arent supposed to actually cast the effect on retail unti lvl 55. Might wanna remove the effect completely.
  12. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Alright, but what I was saying was, it didn't even que us, like it didn't even show up that we were qued.
  13. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Some reason the BGs won't que us.
  14. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    How long does this take over thing last? Because so far I have not seen anyone actually leveling on this server, and ive rezzed about 8 times now, in 30min
  15. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Worn leather gloves are BiS with 22armor, Squealer's Belt is BiS with 23 armor, Rain-spotted Cape is BiS with 11 armor
  16. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Make Opposite faction soldiers less OP... getting 1shotted on your way to org is crazy
  17. Attn Level 1's: BlizzGaming Wants You!

    Add Haliscan Pantaloons, Tuxedo Pants, Worn Leather Gloves, Linen Cloak, Wispy Cloak (or just Rain-spotted), ENCHANTS, feathered arrows, maybe consumables and buffs, maybe even ward of greater runing? They is no way for us to get enchants besides farming PreBC Raids....
  18. Tripping the Rifts

    Am majorly confused on this thread... what is this about? I'd like to know.
  19. I'm Pretty Sure

    Jet ski across the Pacific Ocean?
  20. Regarding BIS items

    Shhh don't jynx us... >.>