Best fc class?why?

FCing frost mage, flag holding...holy paladin
hellester said:
And I want to know the secrets behind black holes. The problem is, nobody knows yet!


Oh wait this is Twinkinfo. Hold on let me boot up my Vague-Info-A-Tron 5000.


Almost there....

Okay the results are in, and it's proably something like this:

Dru/Sham: Harder to stop, easier to kill, hurr...

War/Pal: Harder to kill, easier to stop, durr...


Should get the 6000 version tbh, no loading times ;)
Pallys are the best imo, My druid fc has about 2.7k hp self buffed in bear and a rogue can take me down before I get to the ramp. warriors are alright I suppose but pallys just have better utilitys, they can stun/self heal, if there prot they can slow people/silence and if there holy they can heal without having to stop.
warriors were so fun to fc onn back in the day, now i can see them being good with their shield block, 15% hp from def stance, but u would need a shaman, paladin and mage on defence as a minimum. but i specced mine prot just to see what it'd be liek. funish but meh
Holy pallies are popular for FCs/FHs. Just stack Stam/Int and have at it. Haven't had any problems...
So far this has been the most informative thread I've read for a good 6 months...

5 Stars *****
ok, prot vs holy?


-15% health

-3 target daze/silence

-lower cd on hammer

-and 30% chance that heal wont cost holy power


-better heals

-instant heal on 6 sec cd

-300-400 extra heals from self healing

-basically holy shock heals for 1k on a 6sec cd plus the holy power heal.
Holy Paladins don't die. They take longer to get across the field though, but i suppose that is better than going faster and dying.

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