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  1. The new Darkmoon Faire

    Why wouldnt it be? You have any source about t3 coming back?
  2. The new Darkmoon Faire

    You can skip that archeology daily and still get your mount, by doing them other dailys. Btw anyone got source that t3 will be available? I tested darkmoon fair on ptr and I couldnt find anything related to t3 or oldschool 60 gear...
  3. 70-74 -> XXXX rating -> lvl to 85 -> Arena Title

    When we did it we never got in to the normal 85 ladder, we stayed unranked for weeks, and I know other's who was unranked aswell untill disbanding and making a new team at 85, no idea how you got in to the bracket tho, since youre still 70 :S
  4. 70-74 -> XXXX rating -> lvl to 85 -> Arena Title

    ITS NOT POSSIBLE, since your team wont "get in" the same bracket as the 85's, you will just end up with a unranked team at 85, you are able to buy the elit gear tho, if your 2.2k+, but the team itself stays unranked and wont show up on their ladder. I have tested it myself EDIT...
  5. A challenge 2.0

    I guess them clicker's master it by now, or maybe it just prove 70 bracket's fotm. Will be more then happy to challenge you guys ;>
  6. Gladiator

    Bahahah why in world would you get title from 70 bracket? it wont happen, simply cuz you dont earn it in...i mean it takes skill to get r1 in 70/80 bracket :O you dont even have all spells and shit at that lvl and as someone said, in s5 1 got title, and it was a mistake, why would they change...
  7. <Still runs ZA for Bear> Lvl 70 Twink Guild Recruiting [Horde]

    and no rng involved rite?..
  8. <Still runs ZA for Bear> Lvl 70 Twink Guild Recruiting [Horde]

    has never been, will never be :)
  9. <Enfeeble> 70 Twink Raiding Guild

    r1 in 70 bracket is soo hardcore
  10. Making a 79 Dork Knight

    cuz shamans need resi rofl
  11. 4.0.1... Thought I was set on a 70 twink to build, now i don't know....

    I eat warrior's and boomkins for breakfast, im still unbeaten as Ele/Resto, and btw, you can now out heal any 80 mage/wlock/sp with the new dispell in resto tree, fcking sick
  12. at RUIN 70-capped twinks

    same shit going on in Cyclone bg -.-
  13. Need a Challenge..

    Why the fuck are you looking for a challenge in a bracket that dont really require's any skill?
  14. New 70 twink shaman montage!

    Rxr, ill call you Rick Dear Rick, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy c'mon - how fucked up is you? You got some issues Rick, I think you need some counseling to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some And what's this shit about 5 account's on...
  15. New 70 twink shaman montage!

    He better be doing this then wintrading 3s! am i right?! ;DD:D:D:DD;D;D;D:D;D
  16. Tips on a class to 70 twink for cataclysm?

    elemental shamans are not even near arcane mage's in dps...70 mage in bis doing 25-30k instant dmg atm sick :S lvl 70 sp stacking shamans would do top 15k instant with ES atm
  17. Looking for some support, from both EU and US.

    I dont blame you! If you want ill take a look at these questions, send pm? ;> (Twinking for a heavy period of time)
  18. Looking for some support, from both EU and US.

    :O i thought you Rxr and Veev was wintrading 3s when being bored? am i wrong? :<<
  19. ptr 70's

    Any 70 twinks on PTR Brill EU Horde? :o
  20. BiS Enhance shaman? (Level 70)

    AP is the way to go, simply because its far better then haste stacking.