at RUIN 70-capped twinks

many players are going to kill this bracket. the bracket is lopsided right now with imbalanced games (12-4, 9-6, 15-7, etc), and actually very fragile.

- GY camping

- holding flag for last cap at enemy base for over half the game time

- duel boxing ill geared players into opposite faction

- game rigging/honor rigging

- total lack of etiquette

should not have to start calling out some of the so-called supposed to be pro-70 twink guilds and players with screen shots and posts

after spending 4+ days loading patch and getting to play 2 days now in this bracket, i hate to say it, but the 19's which i haven't played in 6 months till yesterday are more PRO than us 70's....real shame

let's work together, clean it up, made it fun and stay viable
It's the same problem in rampage, where alliance is getting annihilated and no mercy given. Got a bit depressed about what was going on and I'm leveling up my paladin now. Still left one twink at 70 to see how things are when cataclysm starts.
i play both sides, today i happened to see at least some 70's are getting smart and announcing not to GY camp and excessively farm, because other faction will stop queing. they didn't listen...after that BG i was in que 43 pops
shanker said:
i play both sides, today i happened to see at least some 70's are getting smart and announcing not to GY camp and excessively farm, because other faction will stop queing. they didn't listen...after that BG i was in que 43 pops

Hey 70s on Horde have a right to GY camp allies every once in a while since we get outnumbered/lose about 95% of the time. Sucks getting in BGs with green geared 70s. But allies kinda suck on Ruin, We beat them once when they had 5 more people than us. But anyway whenever horde rarely outnumbers allies I will hold the flag and farm til the 1 min mark. :)
so horde have the right to GY camp and hold flag to farm mid b/c they regularly outnumber you....BUT horde still wins when they're outnumbered? well that makes a lot of sense ya bracket killing douchebag
Dagerga123 said:
Hey 70s on Horde have a right to GY camp allies every once in a while since we get outnumbered about 95% of the time. Sucks getting in BGs with green geared 70s. But allies kinda suck on Ruin, We beat them when they had 5 more people than us. But anyway whenever horde rarely outnumbers allies I will hold the flag and farm til the 1 min mark. :)

Falkor said:
so horde have the right to GY camp and hold flag to farm mid b/c they regularly outnumber you....BUT horde still wins when they're outnumbered? well that makes a lot of sense ya bracket killing douchebag

Was a 1 time thing. : / And yea horde do have the right to GY camp, you obviously didn't read the part when I said allies win/outnumber us about 95% of the time, so that means I get GY camped 95% of the time, I think I deserve to hold the flag for that 5%. So you're the douchebag. I'm not killing the bracket, it's alliance.
GY camping is not the answer
Gotta make up for the honor loss from all of those losses. Hopefully it'll be even in cata. Alliance already completely killed the 70 bracket. No horde ques anymore. We get about 1 que per day and it lasts 4 min due to lack of ppl.
Alright, so this guy ganked me the other day in Hillsbrad, he must be a murderer irl. See? Doesn't make sense does it?
It does im 2750 rated in 3's im a gladiator irl Im from rome and I fight people in arenas.

im also a murderer and I cloak of shadows irl
Alright, let's get down to what's really killing this bracket, a certain rogue with some stupid green lightsabers. I swear to god this kid keyboard turns, backpedals and can't kill a lvl 60 twink. All the gear in the world can't help him.. Oh wait all legendarys in 5 runs cy@ (if you don't know who I'm talking about you haven't done any bg's for the past month >.>)

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