Making a 79 Dork Knight


Sounds like your like a paladin, Pick a easy class, gear it up and then faceroll.

For the 70 community i say dont you dare.
I played a DK at 2700 this season ive played rogue/mage/priest/druid/hunter/shaman/HOLYpaladin in this bracket random with 17 posts doesnt know who i am.
Be nice to see the savage saronite battlegear get put to good use again. And the engineering trinkets and helm are good for a BG twink. Dont think the 70s will be to keen seeing you in WSG though.
Son i am Dissapoint :(

I play a mage im playing the most OP 70class atm i run like 150 resil and Kill people in deepfreezes its not fun. :(

im tempted to sell my rogue with glaive. Rogue is just ghey nao :(

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