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  1. First Premade!

    every thread by you i have the mistfortune to come across makes me cringe
  2. 19 priest twink

    Hit Rating: 0 your sig oh dear
  3. 19 rogue duels on ptr

    'bout 5 minutes in where you're talking about "HIT RATING IS BUGGED ON PTR" - derp don't you even know your own racials? Quickness - Spell - World of Warcraft mm mm okay uhm 5% chance to miss which you're covered for with that nice 5% hit but owait you need another 2% okay mm took...
  4. Good Vids?

    He's asking for good videos.
  5. qt hangout thread

    hello my dear friend hamcake told me about this wonderful place
  6. [Cata] BiS for 49 twinks?

    rage.jpg leveled my prot paladin to 54 edit: is that with the avenger's shield glyph? hits less targets but does double damage or something
  7. new title, "the Bloodthirsty"

    this 10 10 10
  8. How do you know if you got into cata beta?

    Yes that is what I have but when I click it shows a banner that says Cataclysm Beta then "Access Denied" D:
  9. Breaking the Postmaster's Set

    Reforging for Twinks
  10. Breaking the Postmaster's Set

    Thought I read that Reforging won't be available at lower levels - could be wrong though.
  11. How do you know if you got into cata beta?

    mm curious about the exact same thing... a new account appeared under my WotLK one and like you, when i clicked I got the "Access Denied" for Cataclysm Beta
  12. Guild BoAs cost 20k? Pause at around 0:50 or...
  13. [Cata] New AGM stats and damage reduce

    derrrr wow so srs
  14. My Gold Guide !

    hello sirs
  15. Best. Rogue. Vid. Evar.

    You can vanish Death Coil on retail as well, as well as most other spells. Hell, you can use Vanish in PvE to avoid boss mechanics.
  16. Now DM gear nerfed too.

    They clearly aren't dedicated to getting BiS gear if they don't have BoAs therefore not the "most dedicated twinks". derp
  17. Ally and their hunters...

    nice binds mr. skilled lock :)
  18. 49 Hunter Guide

    Thank you hamcake you're my favourite friend. Would you like to explore a haunted house with me?
  19. 49 Hunter Guide

    I think it's finished now to the extent I was planning on until Cataclysm rolls around.