[Cata] BiS for 49 twinks?

I'm really uncertain what to look at right now for BiS pieces. Cataclysm builds and MMO-champion/WoWhead and the PTR all list different things for the stat changes coming at 49s. I'm presuming that your head, chest, legs, feet, and ring will be a set piece (IE Postmasters for clothies, I haven't looked deeply into other sets that we're getting). Until I get something really definitive, I'm not going to look way too deep at stuff for all classes. As it stands, almost every clothie piece is going to be swapped out, maybe with the exception of Ban'thok Sash.
unless cadaverous is buffed statwise it's not going to be bis for us rogues, even after set bonuses.

shadowcraft and other dungeon sets do still have their original level reqs for some idiotic reason

it will be like wearing the level 60 pre-raid clown suit again!
Yea the issue is that the PTR and the Beta are showing completely different stats (at least I think they still are). I'm not sure which to follow, but I have an inkling that the Cata one is probably correct? Who knows.
I wish they'd stop polishing the level cap shovelware and focus on cleaning the mess they've made with sub-60 content

also, with current stats in mind, this goes without saying: fuck guild boas
From the looks of it, Cata gear style has more offensive stats like Haste and Crit, in trade for the stam usually that our gear currently holds on the PTR. Right now... we need that stam, almost everyone is gaining some damage. (Lol 2700 ambush through mana shield)
Taitaih said:
From the looks of it, Cata gear style has more offensive stats like Haste and Crit, in trade for the stam usually that our gear currently holds on the PTR. Right now... we need that stam, almost everyone is gaining some damage. (Lol 2700 ambush through mana shield)

ironically, rogues seem to be getting more stam

though, what bothers me most(not counting haste) is the lack of good mainhand weapons, I'm probably gonna roll with bonescraper offhand, but do I really have to resort to buying a bloodrazor/bonesnapper or picking up wsg sword to fill the mainhand slot? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
I'm slightly perturbed about weapons as well, even Casters are hurting for weapons (at least from the Cataclysm Beta, our weapons didn't change too much in the PTR). I'm not sure about how Hemo sword rogues look, but ambush/evis looks to be a one trick pony. Mutilate does pretty good damage as well, especially with poisons, but lacks the mobility for sure.
bgs are gonna be flooded with ambush rogues if they still pack the same punch when cataclysm is released, on the flip side you'll have people like me who stick with hemo just to put some hurt on the new fotm assholes

I'm actually looking forward to the changes because of that.

dagger specs have it easy considering weapons, but it's not like a bonesnapper won't suffice. I was hoping for ironfoe or AT LEAST dragon's call, but any of the 35.4+ dps 1h's will be just fine
Geared as offensive Prot paladin, I'm getting Avenger's Shield and Shield of the Righteous (3 HP stacks) crits of 1700 and upwards. I have about 700 AP, without BoAs because they're stuck on my home server lol.
Taitaih said:
Geared as offensive Prot paladin, I'm getting Avenger's Shield and Shield of the Righteous (3 HP stacks) crits of 1700 and upwards. I have about 700 AP, without BoAs because they're stuck on my home server lol.


leveled my prot paladin to 54

edit: is that with the avenger's shield glyph? hits less targets but does double damage or something
That was without the Avenger's Shield Glyph, so I could hit all of my targets for 1700+ if it crits.

I think the +haste on the Postmaster's helm + 5 piece bonus slightly outweighs Eye of Flame, mainly because we can't reforge the worthless stats on the Eye of Flame.

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