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  1. 35 Spell penetration vs 23 haste rating

    Oh yeah pretty much forgot about those! And that's what I thought about the UD racial hehe
  2. 35 Spell penetration vs 23 haste rating

    As the topic says, this is merely about the cloak enchant 35 Spell penetration vs 23 haste rating - is 35 spell penetration even needed? Seeing I'm playing a shadowpriest my damage is obviously done via shadowspells. The only ones with shadowresistance would be priests but I honestly...
  3. Cataclysm race class combinations

    Most likely only cataclysm accounts will be able to use the new class combinations - it would surprise me a lot if they went all the way and made it possible for everyone :)
  4. Helplessly lost with a 60 Warrior

    I wouldn't know, I don't play a warrior mate :p I found the chardev in another post, just copied it into mine - but there's a 20 str gem in there so that's at least an additional 20 hit. I wouldn't know what the hitcap might be though :)
  5. healing power vs spell power (+29 vs +30)

    Most likely because it's cheaper. Under all circumstances 30>29 SP and there's nothing to question about that mate - no fancy calculations and equations, it's just steady simple :p
  6. Helplessly lost with a 60 Warrior

    Reading through my post I see none of my links working - my apologies. character planner . warr lvl 60 - The World of Warcraft Armory - P The World of Warcraft Armory - Thunderhero @ The Maelstrom - Profile There you go :)
  7. Helplessly lost with a 60 Warrior

    I'm lazy and high so passing this on from another of my posts; First of - make sure you're on a classic account. These accounts provide HUGE advantages over normal accounts - you get to join 51-59(60) AV and will be able to play regularly in the normal BG's as opposed to anyone with locked...
  8. Level 60 Twink Rogue

    No problem bro :) And nop, it's very common for 60 twinks to be using plenty of TBC gear - within weeks you'll remember the names of some of the opposing twinks (and allieged) because they simply steamroll their way through if they know what they're doing. This can't entirely be done with...
  9. double downgrade? wotlk to BC then BC to vanilla-wow

    I'm currently working on both! Just mail the WoWBillingService saying you want a downgrade and they'll do it for free. I'm getting my account downgraded within a few days and now mining to 450 on my 60 priest - the grind is very timeconsuming but not too bad if you like grinding and you...
  10. ~ Huge Changes! Tearing open Twinking! ~

    This is gonna be amazing! However - I hope priests are getting something else in addition to penance as all of our end-talent points are defensive :<
  11. RealID Thoughts and Concerns iit

    I suppose it's fine really, they have a point with the trolling and abusive language. It gets tiring to read post up and down with nothing but smartass comments :p (not that I'm ever in there)
  12. 39 Restoshaman Gear/Talents/Glyphs

    I wouldn't know a lot about shammies, but would the Glyph of Shocking be useful for a resto shammy? I suppose you want to be healing 90% of the time rather than actually nuking. Sure, you're going to use frost shock quite a bit to kite, but you're not going to follow up with more damage(or very...
  13. Level 60 Twink Rogue

    First of - make sure you're on a classic account. These accounts provide HUGE advantages over normal accounts - you get to join 51-59(60) AV and will be able to play regularly in the normal BG's as opposed to anyone with locked XP. But gearwise; Well - warriors and pallies have it easy...
  14. Handling shamans - Warr POV

    Agreed with above, charge, take down possible dangerous totems and reflect/block as much as possible - try and get a hamstring up even though it'll cost some initial rage.
  15. 60 Shadowpriest @ EU needs help

    Hiya lads - I've recently built up this shadowpriest which is currently located on a WOTLK account. However, it's being downgraded within near future and so my question(s) would be; Is there anything you could advice me to do before getting it downgraded? Gearchange, professions...
  16. Stormstrike US Offical 60 twink battle group

    Gahh, to conclude this discussion; US Servers > EU Servers when it comes to twinking. I've no clue what BG to x-fer to as twinking seems dead/low on most servers :/ Is there any possibility to play on the US servers from Europe? Or would that simply result in 1k ping?
  17. Hit Cap for 60 Rogue? Review my Char.

    I'm playing a Shadowpriest with 8% hit (3 from talents and 3 from misery, then 2 from my AQ staff which will be tossed out the moment I get the C'thun Mace) and I have absolutely no problem with 68-69's. Naturally there would be some spells that misses, but all in all, you can dodge most people...
  18. Warrior LvL 60 a few questions

    Agreed with Sanodar, warriors are breakfast for most ranged with a tad of understanding, if they don't have a healer on their back. I can only speak for myself, but warriors are basically just a bump in the road (I'm playing a Shadowpriest). However, today - for the first time, I came across...
  19. nostalgia

    Agreed - those were the days! Damn you WOTLK!
  20. 60 shadow priest

    Thank you for that post - currently twinking my own shadowpriest and it's nearly done (just lacking a few pieces) but I see, that it's required to have 375 engineering, I better get that started. Currently wanting to get my mining to 450, it takes one hell of an effort though :< But again -...