healing power vs spell power (+29 vs +30)

It seems you would always choose Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Spellpower - Item - World of Warcraft over Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Healing Power - Item - World of Warcraft . Now I remember there being a post some time ago just after the healing/spell power change patch. It concerned these 2 enchants. I seem to remember that from testing the +29 healing power enchant was better for certain cases and the +30 spell power was better for other cases. This must sound a bit vague if you do not know what I'm talking about and I'm hoping someone reading these formus knows what I mean. If you do could you point out where I can find the original post (it could well be that it is still from the pwndepot days, not sure). Allso this information might be outdated and the +30 being simply better than the +29 in all cases. Anyhow if you think you can shine some light on this issue which I've been trying to find for some time by now, please be my guest :)
30 is more than 29....
Thanks for the replies, but not what I meant. Never mind I'll keep looking. :)

<EDIT>found it : http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/8497-29-spellpower-vs-30-spellpower.html the thread starts interesting and ends in a lot of nonsence (most of it anyhow). Comes down to some people saying +29 is better for dps and +30 is better for heals. People state a few examples but not with ss.

It seems simple enough of course, 30>29 in all cases but I'd like to be sure. Guess 'll just need to check it out with 2 identical weapons and the 2 different enchants.
Penicillin said:
Thanks for the replies, but not what I meant. Never mind I'll keep looking. :)

<EDIT>found it : http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/8497-29-spellpower-vs-30-spellpower.html the thread starts interesting and ends in a lot of nonsence (most of it anyhow). Comes down to some people saying +29 is better for dps and +30 is better for heals. People state a few examples but not with ss. It seems simple enough of course, 30>29 in all cases but I'd like to be sure. Guess 'll just need to check it out with 2 identical weapons and the 2 different enchants.


I do remember that thread indeed, people tested the average heals that they get while using 30 spell power, and tested the same for 29 spell power, I believe it was 29 spell power that took the lead roll on healing. They did the same test on damage output of spells and found that 30 spellpower was better. this may have changed since then though.
Both healing and spellpower enchant give exactly what it says. +29 Spell Power, +30 Spell power.

30 > 29. So go with 30 if you want best possible SP, go with 29 if you want white instead of purple glow.
Here I am again, back from a long break from twinkinfo, i'd like to say you all are very narrow minded when it comes to new ideas and or new parts of this game. You really need to test this before putting this aside, there's a big chance that something could be coded wrong and 29 could be/is better.
Listen here brah, i'm not like most people, I think outside the box to use a cliche.... But you have to understand that you cant always accept what others tell you as truth. there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that 30>29 it's just an opinion right now.
Gusys said:
Listen here brah, i'm not like most people, I think outside the box to use a cliche.... But you have to understand that you cant always accept what others tell you as truth. there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that 30>29 it's just an opinion right now.

there is. it was tested to an extent last time a similar thread came up. While there was room for error, it was enough for me and most TI users to conclude that there was no basis for the rumor. I think it would be unlikely that there was a coding error since the 66healing power was most likely changed to 29 sp using some automated algorithmy doowhatsit that did the coding for blizz, thus removing human error, which would have been the only thing that would have produced the error.


/thread several posts back

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