39 Restoshaman Gear/Talents/Glyphs


Since the 39-bracket on EU-Blackout seems to be doin' better n' better, I'd currently be working on a troll female restoshaman, since I didn't really liked the druid-class after all.

Chardev-link for current plans:

character planner . 39 shaman velle - chardev.org


No access to BoA's. Been trying to aim for a balanced amount of hp/mana/sp, however, 2,6k mana and 124 sp (Earthliving on top of that) seems maybe a bit low. Just not many spots to change.


Either Water Shield with +1 charge (4 in all) or the Ghost Wolf-reg one (Your Ghost Wolf form regenerates an additional 1% of your maximum health every 5 sec.). For Major I'd be going for atleast Stoneclaw Totem-one, and then I'd have to choose between these two:

1. Glyph of Water Mastery:

Increases the passive mana regeneration of your Water Shield spell by 30%.

2. Glyph of Shocking

Reduces the global cooldown triggered by your shock spells to 1 sec.

Right now I'd be leaning mostly towards the Water Mastery one. From gear I'd have 45 mp3 plus the 27,3 (21 mp5 from water shield +30% more if I pick up that glyph) - so that would be 72,3 mp5, which is actually quite decent.


Only thing I'd be in doubt here would be wether or not to pick up 2/3 Focused Mind (Reduces the duration of any Silence or Interrupt effects used against the Shaman by 20%. This effect does not stack with other similar effects) or... nevermind that talent and just go 5/5 Tidal Mastery (Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and lightning spells by 5%.).

So it's either 3/5 TM and 2/3 FM or.... 5/5 TM and 0/3 FM. I mean...critting is fine, but should I specifically specc for it and "go for it", rather than -20% interrupt-time?


Opinions towards gear/glyphs/talents? Ideas welcome :)

I wouldn't know a lot about shammies, but would the Glyph of Shocking be useful for a resto shammy? I suppose you want to be healing 90% of the time rather than actually nuking.

Sure, you're going to use frost shock quite a bit to kite, but you're not going to follow up with more damage(or very quick heals) are you?

I'm not quite sure whether to pick -20% interrupt time over 2% crit - I would most likely say go for the crit. I suppose you're going to fight quite some rogues/warriors and 99% of them are complete donks and will fall for any fake-cast you might use :p

Oh, and be sure to have another trinket to fill in when your PvP trinket is on CD. Many people tend to just keep the used PvP trinket on them, but a quick swap makes a difference, believe it or not :)

Just my five cents mate.
Resto Shamans have quite the damage output, their synergy as a support is great at 39 - however, I don't know how much .5 seconds is for a Shaman, I've never played one.

Mana regen is vital for any healer to be on par with the immense mana pools and the good regen of Priests and the sustainability of Paladins.

@Willesen - We are currently around 65 twinks at 39 iirc, and a lot of them have a clue. But then again, Zvit is good at faking stuff.
For gear, it really depends on your playstyle. Healer shamans have a lot of different ways to play, and it also depends on whether you focus on arena or battlegrounds. I run with high spell power (over 240 without earthliving), good HP (2.5K), and little mana (2K) because my water shield takes care of mana needs and battles are much more stop-and-go in the battlegrounds. I don't think I could make that fly in arenas.

I highly, highly recommend the water shield glyph for your minor. As resto, you don't stop casting if you can help it. The extra charge gives you that much more time to not cast something else. For your second major (after stoneclaw), I've never used water mastery -- I had enough regen from the water shield itself. I chose the glyph of frost shock for longer slows, but I would switch to the glyph of shocking if I did more arenas, and I'm considering making the switch anyway. Given that shocks, short heals, and purges make up my main casts in 39s (all of which have either 1.5 second casts or global cooldowns), I can get up to 10 casts in 15 seconds. The glyph of shocking makes room for 11. That may not sound like much, but think of it this way: it's like getting 10% haste, for which you would need a piece of gear that has just under 60 haste rating. That said, we are talking about an optimal situation of consecutive casting, and battles are rarely optimal.

While I'm not a fan of crit for healers, I did have someone successfully explain to me in 49s that crit is great in arenas. If you can get up around 20% crit rating, then chances are your short heals will crit often enough to keep up the 10% damage reduction on your teammates (Ancestral Healing talent). Since I rarely do arenas, I stuck with Focused Mind.
Thanks for the replies so far. To answer one of the questions reg. focus, my focus will mostly be arenas 2s and 3s - but I'd like a specc functioning in WSG aswell. Anyhow:

Gonna try Stoneclaw and Mana Reg-glyphs at first, minor being +1 charge on Water Shield. Glyph of Shocking is something I'd like to test out later on I think.

I don't know if this is right but I think once you get natures swift you should put the remaining points in thundering strikes since that'll increase crit on everything (incl. shocks,..) while tidal mastery only does heals and lightning. Although I think I'd personally go for the silence reduction.

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