Level 60 Twink Rogue


After searching on this site, I haven't been able to find a "guide" for most classes twinking at 60, including rogues. If somebody could help me with twinking a rogue at that level or guide me towards a thread that could help me with that, i'd greatly appreaciate it.

I'm planning on RaF'ing with two other friends and we are all going to make twinks at 60. I'm torn between rogue or a pally. One friend is making a warrior, and another is most likely going to make a lock. If we could get some help with this, we'd all be very grateful.
Also, a link to a good character for each of those classes would help us so we could see what we were trying to eventually attain.
First of - make sure you're on a classic account. These accounts provide HUGE advantages over normal accounts - you get to join 51-59(60) AV and will be able to play regularly in the normal BG's as opposed to anyone with locked XP.

But gearwise;

Well - warriors and pallies have it easy; Get a bit of the tier 2.5 from AQ40 and combine it with either the HWL (Grand Marshal?) weapons or Dark Edge of Insanity from C'thun. Basically every BWL and upwards weapon works, but that's definately the better ones out there.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Thunderhero @ The Maelstrom - Profile <-- Changes gear quite abit, but he's completely classic geared.

The World of Warcraft Armory - P <-- Usually wearing some classic prot gear, but if you catch him in his TBC gear he's got like 14k hp UB.

Most characters find themselves using the TBC-trial in order to skill up professions to 375 or 450 in some cases. Furthermore you can do several quests in order to get a lot of sockets and several items from ramparts are very useful.

character planner . warr lvl 60 - chardev.org <-- a quick reference to show the use of gems and how much they mean to your character if used properly (100% armor penetration @ 60 :< )

For a rogue I'd say do something like this: character planner . 60 pvp combat dagger - chardev.org (thank you someone, found it in a random post)

It has MASSIVE HP along with a whole bunch of damage - the 3 parts tier 2.5 provides an extraordinary bonus PvP-wise along with superior stats. You can of course change enchants and gems as much as you like :)

But basically, just scour through some of the older posts, there are plenty of rogues out there who links to their armorys etc.

Overall you should be getting Engineering with either mining/herbalism/skinning as they all provide extensive static boosts. I suppose you're alliance, then gnome rogue for sure for the engineering bonus as 390 awards some severe bonuses.

I haven't been able to find any proper locks, but here's a quick help; The World of Warcraft Armory - Apotekeren @ Twisting Nether - Profile

That's my shadowpriest and the gear is obtainable with most classes. He should probably get Staff of Shadowflame from Nefarian in BWL or combine the offhand from Twins in AQ40, along with Grand Marshals Spellblade (or whatever it's called)

The World of Warcraft Armory - Ironlak @ Twisting Nether - Profile is one of my mates' mage and has some similarities aswell.

I couldn't be bothered to grind myself exalted with ZG for the various enchants, I simply tossed on a Heavy Knothide Armor's on instead.

It might be all blurry for you with all these links and what not, but I hope it helped you just a tiny bit - have fun with it and don't lose patience in it! :)

Cheers mate
I play a 60 twink rogue myself. Heres my armory: The World of Warcraft Armory - Mulciber @ Zul'jin - Profile

I play Mutilate for pvp since its damn fun. Pallies however, are pretty OP at 60. Though they can be fun, they don't require as much skill as a rogue. I have almost BiS gear besides my offhand dagger and rings.

If your looking for a twink guild <Cthun is Harder than LK> will gladly take you. Drop by our realm on Zul'jin or hit up a comment on: <Cthun is Harder than LK> of Zul ' jin
Awesome! Thanks for the info. If I do the bc trial on my vanilla account, can someone report me for having bc gear without having the actual expansion, taking the gear and higher leveled skills taken away?
The World of Warcraft Armory - Narados @ Aggramar - Profile

My rogue, just missing Bloodfang gloves so i can equipp them with my bloodfang belt for the 3 set bonus and missing dagger from c'thun then its perfectly geared imo, tho trinkets depends on what you prefer urself...

Thats what u can hope to get some time in the future if u decide to go shadowdance ambush specc, gear varies from specc to specc, as combat i use a sword in my MH, atm cromaticly tempered blade but hoping to get the one in AQ, and im gonna use 8/8 bloodfang once i get the last 2 pieces (gloves and boots)
Monkeyarr said:
Awesome! Thanks for the info. If I do the bc trial on my vanilla account, can someone report me for having bc gear without having the actual expansion, taking the gear and higher leveled skills taken away?

No problem bro :)

And nop, it's very common for 60 twinks to be using plenty of TBC gear - within weeks you'll remember the names of some of the opposing twinks (and allieged) because they simply steamroll their way through if they know what they're doing. This can't entirely be done with Classic-gear the same way it can be done with TBC gear. So fire up that trial and collect as much gear as possible! ;)
Now we're talking about BC trail, is it only possible to "trail" once per account, or is it "repeatable" because, gearing and skilling 1 char in 10 days is fairly easy.. but doing it with 3 or 4 in 10days, could take some time.
Roguehere said:
Now we're talking about BC trail, is it only possible to "trail" once per account, or is it "repeatable" because, gearing and skilling 1 char in 10 days is fairly easy.. but doing it with 3 or 4 in 10days, could take some time.

Once per 3 months.

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