

This video was made during TBC, about vanilla PvP. Don't know if somebody posted it already.

I really like it, reminds me of my very first times in WoW.

Even though i keep coming back to this game, i really regret those times and what WoW has become nowadays.

just wanted to share.
that video sucks. by the time BGs came out nobody pvp'd in tarren mill or epl. stv wasnt even pvp seeing as it was just higher lvls ganking for the most part, and not in the arena.

the best part was no resilience, resil just sucks. but pve was also really hard and only for dedicated people. nostalgia isnt that great really....i mean when you think hard the game has gotten better overall, not worse
Tarren Mill and STV were mostly pvp zones for levelling chars. Fist time i got killed outdoors was there.

BGs didn't stop world PvP back then, raids to kill world bosses involved horde and alliance, and it usually finished as a pvp fight as well. PPl used to know each other and PvP as well in BGs as outdoors.

No resi, lots of different gears with different skins, 40ppl raid, grandmarshall, high warlord. It was harder back then, and i think that making this game easy (because today it is really easy, i mean REALLY easy) makes it lose lots of "prestige" ; but ofc it's a great deal for Blizzard's economy.
Back in the days i was not one top end game player (used to farm UBRS, BGs and world PvP - the few big raids i did were just as a casual player who got lucky). Nevertheless, with my full blue gear i managed to make my way in pvp. Think it was more balanced somehow. And all the choices you had to make back then were really more specific (speccs, professions, even the magic school you wanted to use), more expensive. It was harder, and you had to make a really specific char.

Nowadays, gear has become too important, there is not a really specific thing that makes you look or play different than most of the players. Seems to me at lvl 80 we are all clones.


I still love this game, and i can find some old feelings just when i play twink.
on my server tarren mill/south shore stopping being a pvp area when BGs came out. STV was just gankfest - aka not pvp

id have to say pvp was NOT as balanced. watch world of roguecraft then decide. not to mention you'd face honor farming teams in every BG that were helping their one friend make the push for GM or HWL. day(s) long AVs. etc etc etc. some of it was fun, most wasnt. things always seem better in hindsite with nostalgia.
The definition of a "good" player and a "bad" player was completely different at 60 than it is at 80 now. When the game first released, there was no EJ/AJ, people always did what they though best. Now however, all of these websites tell you what is best, and you do it or get ridiculed. We made ourselves into clones by stipulating that in order to be good, you had to do things a certain way. I look back and laugh at how I played my toon at 60, and wonder how I even managed to do things the old way. Not saying that I don't miss it, but things were just completely different then.
Taitaih said:
The definition of a "good" player and a "bad" player was completely different at 60 than it is at 80 now. When the game first released, there was no EJ/AJ, people always did what they though best. Now however, all of these websites tell you what is best, and you do it or get ridiculed. We made ourselves into clones by stipulating that in order to be good, you had to do things a certain way. I look back and laugh at how I played my toon at 60, and wonder how I even managed to do things the old way. Not saying that I don't miss it, but things were just completely different then.

Agree with your vision. Also means that nowadays in order to be good, you just need to do like the top ranked arena players or end game pve players (For example take a look at the first vids of Laintime, then watch the last one, released about a year and a half ago - he's just like any average/good player). I don't know how I managed to make it in pvp old days as well, but i did, so did you. I was playing with a 3button mouse and I was skilling a profession that I never got to use coz mats were too rare to push it to the top for players like me ;)

@Falkor : world of roguecraft was en exception, it was meant to show how most rogues didn't know how to play their class. I rolled a rogue after watching it, and idd it was easy and unbalanced for other classes vs rogues. BUT rogues needed to know their class very well, they needed to be behind their enemies for their imba techniques always playing with their position, lots more than nowadays.

I personally think that diminishing returns and arenas were a good addition to wow.

Anyway, I'm not saying we shouldn't like this game today, I just wanted to share a part that has disappeared almost completely and which i liked a lot. I still find some fun, and when I play twink, sometimes it reminds me of those times. Even though Cataclysm will bring a major change in twinking as well. I wonder if twinks other than lvl 19 are gonna survive that release, so it seemed important to me to create a topic as a reminder :) because we must not forget that new releases don't kill brackets, just players do.

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