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  1. All Time 19 HKs List

    Believe Natasya (EU) had more then 300k+ HK's in TBC before he migrate and those kills got reset or I'm missing something? ;x
  2. BIS non boa 1h for ele shammy

    There's also Smith's Revenge (or something like that=) 1h axe from Deadmines, with its fast attacking speed and stam/str + some nice hit stat... not sure if item changed but i found it most effective for elemental shaman before cata... worth to consider i guess... :P
  3. WSG or Arena

    hmmm yeah, misunderstand question a bit i guess... =/, but still blizz could easy put rated arena for every bracket...??
  4. WSG or Arena

    why would they remove wsg for rated arena?? =//, cant there be both?
  5. Time For Action

    agree, keep pewpewing blizz about it!!! :mad::):D
  6. My account

    ROAR!!! slacker as usually... :p you could atleast sent ingame mail about deleteing all chars, was like WTF then figured it out... sucks tho understand and backing you up about quiting wow... :cool: almost got silvia back to twinking, but he dont have enough time nowadays to give it a go =/...
  7. 19 Shaman Best Race (Horde)?

    Stomp works good if you mange to get perfect timing with it only then... otherwise Dreanei HoT is way to imba for offensive or defensive shammy... :eek::p:cool::cool:
  8. 49 Mage

    nope isnt me... :D but as i already made post, if some1 could make char of 49 troll mage max sp/hit gear for PoM Pyro specing and one of balance stam/int/sp gear for frost spec...? ;):rolleyes::cool: got something like this...
  9. Hit Rating Cracked

    ahh sucks and just got caped... :p
  10. Hit Rating Cracked

    so in the end should i go for hit caped or not... :eek::confused::rolleyes::cool:
  11. Best class withouth BOA's

    yep, i am :D;)
  12. Best class withouth BOA's

    Hello, was twinking for 5 years almost, have pretty nice exp in almost all classes... stoped playing after blizz fked up battlegrounds =/ anyway thinking about comeing back and as i dont have acces to BoA's wondering what class is best withouth it... ??:rolleyes::cool:
  13. Lvl 10 v.s Lvl 19 Twink Rogue

    whats the point with all that dodge if you cant dodge from back? ;)