My account actually there for the grabs.

Situation: I am done with the game. Played it, enjoyed it, hated it, loved it. The last year I've played it less and less and since last november I kinda gave up on it. I come from a server and battlegroup (Reckoning) which had it's primetime in 2007/08, but recently completely died due to the migration to Blackout. It's a good thing everyone is here - heck, I actually were the first(!) alliance 19-twink to move to Al A'kir - but it's not just like how it once was for me. I've lost contact with about all of the little core of people which I enjoyed playing with.

So I tried all: faction changing, new characters, getting my friends here, but nothing really worked out for me. Last night I deleted most of my chars, removed the game from my pc and said to myself: This is it. Or well, I did not actually speak to myself, but you get the point...

I've been thinking about it today and I thought: hey, I still got playtime for roughly a month, just recently factionchanged and had 3 fully geared (with BoA's) twinks with a main (who's enchanter and got about 95% of the recipes). Why delete this, while you could actually let someone else use it?

The account, until last night:

- Main: 80 be hunter, fully geared with epics and a few badges. 400+ leatherworking and about 360 enchanting

- Natasya, 19 be hunter. Tabard of Flame. Fully BiS gear including BoA staff, chest and shoulders; close or over (forgot) to 50k lifetime kills.

- Tasya, 19 priest. Roughly 20k lifetime kills, been in Aygat back in the days. BiS gear except for boa's. Tabard of Frost

- Nippl, 19 ne rogue (formerly known as Tasyá, ud rogue), rougly 15k lifetime kills, 3 or 4 epic tabards, O.W.N.E.D.-flag, Spectral Tiger-thingie, BiS gear (incl Shadowfang and Ass. Blade) and of course all common BoA's, like shoulders, chest, trinkets (pvp and the haste trinket).

- Natasya, 19 be paladin. Former human paladin. Got all the alliance-quest items, and BoA's and 99% BiS gear (retridin).

All of course have AGM and instance gear. I've never been a slacker, until recent. All twinks and main reside on Draenor EU, except for the priest.

And more alt twinks spread out on different servers.

If one would talk to a GM, I'm sure all the characters could be recovered. I'd rather give the account to someone who's actually dedicated to this game or either knows me (from the past or present). Ivy/Silvia: If you'd ever read this, I'd like to give it you.

PM me or leave a comment. I'll decide what to do next week.
I'd love to get back into the game, especially as EU, and I've been around for the past year or so as an active twinker, until recently.

iv been twinking 19 on and off since 2008 havent played for a while due to personal reasons. i dont have a account anymore but would love to get back on to the twinking scene and on a active battlegroup.


iron :)
I'm Rolt and I've played since Bloodfeather days! Also I'm best warlock and soon to be best of all your classes as soon as I get acc info! That is all, thank you!
Hey, my name is Cookie and I would like this account for a few reasons.

I'd like to see how the play style of a hunter is at level 80, I'm currently leveling a rouge to 80 on the US servers which is actually quite fun (better than my mage ;)). I've also gave part time access to a EU friend of mine so he can play on the US realms, I'd like to compair and contrast US and EU players and see which one is (I put this in quotes) "best".

Other than that, its basically, I'd like to see how the play styles of another player are, how the level 80 play style of a hunter is and just to have fun on both US and EU realms.
Id love to have this account so I can sell it and buy myself something nice.

Hey mate we've been buddies for a couple of years now :< Idk if you would like to give the account to me, but if you want to ofc. HF irl and GL whatever ur gonna do ^^ will always miss the serious Natasya with 6 fishing hats :p
played eu

Hey Natasya, I was a friend of Resisted, Moonfirespam, and Bragh in AYGAT for a while. Loved those guys and had a great time and Id love to play with as many of them as I can again. I had a Blood Elf paladin named Myranos and a troll rogue Zaerix. Im looking to get onto the EU twinking scene again and am currently an avid twinker in Ruin - US. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to have a chance at your account :) and GL whatever you do.

- Energy
ROAR!!! slacker as usually... :p

you could atleast sent ingame mail about deleteing all chars, was like WTF then figured it out... sucks tho understand and backing you up about quiting wow... :cool: almost got silvia back to twinking, but he dont have enough time nowadays to give it a go =/, anyway when you mange try to give me GM on FB, also need to talk with you alive about geting back those 20€... ^^
I live in italy but have a us account, but i do have this 2 month euro game card that i cant use, if you gave me your account i would get into some EU twinking since everyone sais it is so good. if not il just give the card to somone that needs play time. Gl out of WoW, i think we all know that the day will come when we too will quit this game that has brought us so much joy and anger.
I've always wanted to play on EU, and having this account would give me a number of opportunities. I'd definitely make good use of this account, and make sure I keep your rep up!


Heyy dude! Judah we need a chat mate! i bought gametime about 2 weeks ago to play with you and ivy again but ive been locked out my account ( Messed up setting a authenticator thing ) so cant logg in! :/ Your never on msn anymore Either But i was hoping you could make the effort sometime and we could catch up :) Just wanted to say hello and the goodtimes rocked :) shame to see you gone!

goodluck with the real world and all that shizz mate (Y)

Private joke inc! .. " See i pwn'd you AND A STAG! " .....Haha :) Good ole Dorf :)

Silvia , Jamie
Boglund said:
Give it to me because blizzard closed my acc after I tried selling it, which I obviously never tried to do. No kidding

same thing happened to me n im tryna get it back now they told me to change my email so i did but now i forgot my email....

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