BIS non boa 1h for ele shammy

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Tinymidget said:
I would just like to know whats bis for non boa ele shammies for 1h?

The "Razor's Edge" axe looks pretty good, not sure how to link items though. :-/ Check it out on WoWWiki!
The class quest reward in SFK is either an axe with agi or int correct? Basically anything with int, 2/2 eagle axe or mace would be preferable to dawnblade imo.
I'd say 2x skeletal club.
There's also Smith's Revenge (or something like that=) 1h axe from Deadmines, with its fast attacking speed and stam/str + some nice hit stat... not sure if item changed but i found it most effective for elemental shaman before cata... worth to consider i guess... :p
Even if you wanna be ele, go enhance for the dual-wielding. Then put +22 int on both weapons.
ScatMan103 said:
Even if you wanna be ele, go enhance for the dual-wielding. Then put +22 int on both weapons.

Yeah, g Ele without TS, improved LB but with additional 22 int.
well, seeing as you wont find a 1h with much int on it, you can go for hit or crit. (agi is your best dps stat btw)

if you want hit, use stillwaters dagger (3 stam/agi/hit)

if you want crit, use buzzer blade, Tail Spike, or Guillotine axe.

If, for whatever reason, you feel you desire a weapon with int, there is a weapon called "foresters axe of the eagle" with 2 stam, 2 int and 11 dps.
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