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  1. New to bracket

    91-99 is where I will be, thanks for the info so far, that thread answered a lot of my questions. So sockets and pvp power/resilience are bad, how is Shadowmourne? I am getting the shards for it now to get the items and such from it anyway, it has sockets which are bad, but the thread doesn't...
  2. New to bracket

    I was looking at getting into the 90's bracket but I was wondering what to go for and what not to go for and how to get into the bracket. I am currently making a death knight that I don't plan at using at max level and was wondering whether certain items and other effects scaled well enough...
  3. Selling Hyjal Horde

    Selling these items on Hyjal Horde side, I can sell through the auction house to either side for a slight bump in price. I can throw any current available enchant on an item purchased for nothing extra. Just looking for wowhead prices or send me a message for an offer. Items currently...
  4. 20-29 glass canon sets at higher levels?

    I tried to PVP with my 80 hunter (just bought all the ICC gear from Dalaran, the upgrade tokens are only useful for transmog). I was fully gemmed/enchanted with agility/crit with precisely calibrated boomstick (scales up to ~80 agility in that bracket) but it just didn't seem to do much, I had...
  5. Just saw a Rogue with the Griftah Masks...

    Thanks, this place is great, it is inside the tomb first door on the left. To others looking at this, the 90+ needs to be completely on point at killing these, or they need to stand basically on the closer one's spawn (they both spawn right behind the portal), or they need to shield you in some...
  6. Opinions of Speed Potions and other consumables

    Considering druids essentially have a blink, higher base movement speed in travel form, a sprint ability, the ability to change to a tank class, and the ability to completely remove any slows, I feel potions are completely fine for classes that don't have such luxuries. I don't really have a...
  7. Just saw a Rogue with the Griftah Masks...

    Where is a good place to pickpocket? In the video above, it shows the den of secrets, but my aggro range was massive, and my friend was having a hard time pulling stuff and surviving a while (he had to use a lower geared priest who was having trouble with the mobs because his only other...
  8. Are shadowfang and gloom bis at 29?

    How often does it proc? I have one in my 29's inventory because I know it is a good item but I haven't been able to bring myself to equip it yet because I want to know how much it procs. As of right now (compared to an heirloom after it scaling up in a BG) it does 0.1 less dps, has 3 more...
  9. Shadow Priest

    Looking at the current armories, it looks like you want the haste enchants on the WoD enchant-able pieces with the haste base BoA's as a base. Then just get generic good cloth gear to finish it out. For most gear stuff, check out the armory list near the top of the page. For glyphs, minors...
  10. Few questions

    Each spec has a hidden passive that you can see the effect of through the armory. At this level, attack power and agility are pretty much equal. Sub gives 15% boost in agility, some of the highest damage increasing enchants give attack power, not agility. Assassination is worthless without...
  11. Few questions

    I haven't been playing for a huge amount of time but here is what I have. Brewmaster Monk is top tier, they would be a strong class without Guard (build defense, get offense) but it puts them over the edge. Most players on the forum would strongly advise against playing them because of how...
  12. im new here, 2 questions about twinks

    About Seige of Ogrimmar running. Start your own group and say what is on reserve in the description (warlock tier + weapon or something), you should be able to get lvl 100's not out for the same tier gear or who are looking for obscure pieces (I know I ran Throne of Thunder for just one piece...
  13. Hi everybody!

    I am mainly looking for a bracket with some balance, 29 is getting pretty boring pretty fast getting wrecked by monks and priests who seem to be everywhere. I have a Shadowfang but haven't used it yet even though it's BiS due to how often I see those two classes and I don't want to throw away...
  14. How Did You Hear About Twink Info?

    I was recently researching gear for 29 twinks and this website came up pretty often and it was really useful.
  15. Hi everybody!

    Hi everyone, I am pretty new here, I have been lurking for a while around the 29 forums when my friends wanted to start twinking there. I twinked back in Wrath at 19 but stopped when most of my friends stopped playing. I currently have 3 29 twinks, only one being pretty geared the other two are...
  16. Haste stacking viable for Fury Warriors?

    I have tried stacking haste, 40% haste with double crusader Kalthungarg @ Hyjal - Community - World of Warcraft So far it isn't that great, I just don't seem to hit very hard, I haven't been twinking a warrior very long also so that is probably a problem with my performance. I feel that it is...