Few questions


Which specs are considered viable and which ones are considered the best spec so to speak. Out of the following.

Lock, Shaman, Rogue , Monk, Pally

And which would you say are top two in in overall OPness lol.
Been gone for a good year and made a new account. So I would like to know your guys thoughts :)
I haven't been playing for a huge amount of time but here is what I have.

Brewmaster Monk is top tier, they would be a strong class without Guard (build defense, get offense) but it puts them over the edge. Most players on the forum would strongly advise against playing them because of how strong they are compared to most other classes but it wouldn't be fair to you to at least not warn you that these guys exist. Windwalker monk is considered a fair but strong class here.

Rogue is where they have been at low lvl's since I have started playing, high burst damage stealth class. If you like preying on the glass cannon users and standing on even ground with a lot of the more balanced classes, go with the rogue. Combat seems to be the most popular spec here.

Paladins are next, they have a 5 second stun, decent heal, and OK damage. Not sure what spec is the best here, I have seen a little bit of everything. I would say paly and rogue

The last two I haven't seen too may of. Shaman I have seen mostly resto if I see them and all the locks I have seen so far have been really under geared, they have fear by this lvl and it looks like you get felhunter (if it gets rid of shields at this level, it seems really good).
Thank you for the reply. So that knocks monks out of the question lol. Im just deciding on rogue, lock, shammy now. Anyone know which lock spec is best atm. & how is enh shamans?
Demo is probably better for solo play, destro for higher damage output/burst potencial.

Enhance shamans are strong atm.
I haven't been playing for a huge amount of time but here is what I have.

Brewmaster Monk is top tier, they would be a strong class without Guard (build defense, get offense) but it puts them over the edge. Most players on the forum would strongly advise against playing them because of how strong they are compared to most other classes but it wouldn't be fair to you to at least not warn you that these guys exist. Windwalker monk is considered a fair but strong class here.

Rogue is where they have been at low lvl's since I have started playing, high burst damage stealth class. If you like preying on the glass cannon users and standing on even ground with a lot of the more balanced classes, go with the rogue. Combat seems to be the most popular spec here.

Paladins are next, they have a 5 second stun, decent heal, and OK damage. Not sure what spec is the best here, I have seen a little bit of everything. I would say paly and rogue

The last two I haven't seen too may of. Shaman I have seen mostly resto if I see them and all the locks I have seen so far have been really under geared, they have fear by this lvl and it looks like you get felhunter (if it gets rid of shields at this level, it seems really good).
I'm going to have to add Ferals are Stupidly over powered as well. They have a 3-5 seconds stun out of stealth and can crit upwards of 3k if they are geared enough. balance hits hard too and now it has an Aoe Silence that combo-ed with a pally stun or any stun or movement impairment might as well be a arcane torrent.
Shammys are Good heals
Holy pallys are better heals
Disc priest are better than holy pallys.
Resto Druids have more suitability than Disc priest just because they can get out of snares and have travel form.
Warriors do amazing damage not as overpowered as brewmasters but they can be good if enchanted correctly or played correctly. PS: Brews are only good once they get guard, if they are lvl 20 brews, they are pretty easy to take on in bgs. Arms warrior does more overall damage, Fury looks cool as hell but I feel it lacks rend and thunderclap that would make a difference in most fights.
Shadow priest are pretty much really squishy, brew masters. They hit hard as hell but they die fast as fuck if focused. Shadow priest dots tick for so hard its rediculous.
Ret pallys are under Spriest depending on the Ret pally. You need to be really geared. I mean geared like my pally, link in Sig. To even stand a chance against a spriest.
Rogues Take out everything except Ferals and Brews. They should be able to 1v1 spriest 1v1 pallys and 1v1 warriors 1v1 hunters if they catch them after a disengage, maybe even after they get one cause hunters are so bad in this bracket.
Hunters are the worst but right now have pretty high skill cap I think, only because a good hunter can take out warriors and ferals. At 29 they become harder to kill with their long range cc.
Elemental Shammys they are alright damage in EOTS they are nice to kill people off mid or lumber mill in Arathi and maybe the bridges in Alterac Valley. Useful right?
Enchanced Shammys, good for purging i guess never see any ones that grab my attention, never played one never seen one win many duels except maybe against Warriors.
Warlocks, Skill based class. Learn it love it, play it. Don't like it, don't play it.
Prot pallys Suck
Holy priest can be used for that stun but overall suck. They need that disc bubble what ever its called. I'm not looking up all the spells "Disc" is better tho.
K cool
,Duo out
Thank you for the reply. So that knocks monks out of the question lol. Im just deciding on rogue, lock, shammy now. Anyone know which lock spec is best atm. & how is enh shamans?
Afaik demo is best, almost same dot spread damage as affli, with nice burst as well. Destro have big numbers but its not very often you be able to cast a 2.5 sec Chaos Bolt.

of those 3 rogue is overall the best imo. Resto shamans are good, heavy heals, purges and shears, enhance is decent but really it is only tryhards that tries to make it viable :p elemental is shit compared to MoP, you have to stand still but you still hit hard afaik
Demo is probably better for solo play, destro for higher damage output/burst potencial.

Enhance shamans are strong atm.

Are Enchanced Shammys strong? never seen a good one.

I can agree with Destro but never seen a lock solo priest, brew, feral, or ret pally tho.
Afaik demo is best, almost same dot spread damage as affli, with nice burst as well. Destro have big numbers but its not very often you be able to cast a 2.5 sec Chaos Bolt.

of those 3 rogue is overall the best imo. Resto shamans are good, heavy heals, purges and shears, enhance is decent but really it is only tryhards that tries to make it viable :p elemental is shit compared to MoP, you have to stand still but you still hit hard afaik

Rogue would be the hardest hitting bursty,
and locks are good for fears I guess.
Resto shammys are hard to kill tho, depends what you wanna do. Like i said before Elemental has Thunderstorm.
Enchanced.... yeah. Enchanced.
Are Enchanced Shammys strong? never seen a good one.

I can agree with Destro but never seen a lock solo priest, brew, feral, or ret pally tho.

Yes enhancement is currently really strong.

And there is more to the game than 1v1s.
Rogue would be the hardest hitting bursty,
and locks are good for fears I guess.
Resto shammys are hard to kill tho, depends what you wanna do. Like i said before Elemental has Thunderstorm.
Enchanced.... yeah. Enchanced.
locks are good for more than fears... They have really high dmg output
You mean bgs right? I really have never seen one top the charts.... so yeah what would we need one for exactly?

Ofcourse its not going to top charts, it doesnt have any dots besides flame shock which is a relativly weak dot.

Enhance is a fairly good counter to healers in general and they do 1.5k dmg++++ every 10 seconds just with stormstrike and lava lash alone.
Apperently Enhance can top scoreboard against army of f2ps.
People have been touting how great enhance are since 6.0 broke. I think people still are afraid to play them because of peer pressure since they were weak in the past. Elemental shaman are just fine too. You can easily get LB cast down to 1.1 seconds. You have 3 snares, dots, 2 AoE, heals, dispels,CC instant cast abilities, what the hell else could you even ask for? You even auto damage people when when they damage you. I suppose it is a lot to keep up with after all.

Rogue is where they have been at low lvl's since I have started playing, high burst damage stealth class. If you like preying on the glass cannon users and standing on even ground with a lot of the more balanced classes, go with the rogue. Combat seems to be the most popular spec here.

Why combat?

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