Hi everybody!


Hi everyone, I am pretty new here, I have been lurking for a while around the 29 forums when my friends wanted to start twinking there. I twinked back in Wrath at 19 but stopped when most of my friends stopped playing. I currently have 3 29 twinks, only one being pretty geared the other two are for fun (a max stam druid for flag capping and such).

Yesterday was my first AV in a long time that was actually fun and it was at lvl 29. There was strategy, back capping, sneaking few people into Balinda to take her out while the enemy was preoccupied elsewhere, it was great. However there was a problem for me, none of the quests were obtainable at that low level. There was no summoning of Ivus or anything like that, no reinforcements, is there any level where the battle is fairly balanced like that and that you can obtain quests in? Do these brackets have enough people for the que to pop?
AV is overrated.
Come play WSG at 19 :D

I am mainly looking for a bracket with some balance, 29 is getting pretty boring pretty fast getting wrecked by monks and priests who seem to be everywhere. I have a Shadowfang but haven't used it yet even though it's BiS due to how often I see those two classes and I don't want to throw away 30k-40k if I am going to stop playing in the bracket.

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