im new here, 2 questions about twinks


so hello there, btw English is not my native language but i hope it will be clear.

i started playing again in WoD, also i lvld like 6 characters to 100 and theres nothing to do so i decided to make a twink character. I saw movies made by 'rahbek WoWGaming' on youtube and most of the 91lv twinks are geared from the siege of orgrimmar mythic. So first question is why lv91 instead of lv99 with all upgrades on spells from draenor? I played 1 bg just to see how items scale up and it gave me like 30 honor points so its kinda hard to farm up the season 15 pvp gear with queue 20min~. Is there anything that i should know? Im playing on Burning Legion EU - i cant find group from the LFR thingy for SoO coz people are doing it for transmogs and achievements, they refuse to invite someone under lv100. So thats the second question - as i said i dont really know how SoO works and how many people i need to run it on mythic. I never did that when it was actual content. Whenever im on wow i usually do 2's with my friend or just doing achievements from old content, so it means that i dont have any guild who could help me out with SoO.

I decided to make lv29 twink too, but its easier to just put hierlooms and ask friend for some low lvl runs. Aaaaand my lv91 warlock is waiting for help from You guys :<, sorry for my ugly english skills D:
About Seige of Ogrimmar running. Start your own group and say what is on reserve in the description (warlock tier + weapon or something), you should be able to get lvl 100's not out for the same tier gear or who are looking for obscure pieces (I know I ran Throne of Thunder for just one piece of gear on my lvl 100, you can probably find the same). The group will take longer to get together but you will get what you want quicker than never running.

Not a 91 twink here but I would assume that the SOO gear would be the best to fill in slots when scaled up in ilvl, then crafted gear (equip-able at 91) fully upgraded would out ilvl anything else or any gear needed by then could be obtainable through garrison missions so there would be no reason to take the time to lvl past 91.
if you are going to twink at 90s than just play max level instead, for better "quality" and bigger community
90 is a horrible bracket from my experience, its like 29s were against 19s in bg

rahbek just rolls FOTM classes on basically every possible bracket
if you are looking for a bracket with both quality and big community, than you should try 20s veteran/f2p

but if you really want to stay at 90s
at 91 you can have a fully upgraded 675 weapon/670 armor crafted pieces from WoD
im not sure, i dont have WoD, but you get them at 640 and upgrade them to 675
so all what you need to gear your toon at 91s is basically gold

Items - World of Warcraft
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