Shadow Priest


A friend is rolling a 29 spriest to run with me.

I have never played a priest at any level and neither has he.

Any tips on stat weights, talents, glyphs, enchants, and key abilities etc?
Looking at the current armories, it looks like you want the haste enchants on the WoD enchant-able pieces with the haste base BoA's as a base. Then just get generic good cloth gear to finish it out. For most gear stuff, check out the armory list near the top of the page. For glyphs, minors don't do anything. For major glyphs, it depends on what you are doing. For 2's arena and 1v1 duels, mind harvest is pretty insane, it instantly lets you use Devouring Plague after 1 mind blast (compared to waiting ~16 seconds to cast it two additional times), DP does massive damage and heals for the same (800 + initial and the same amount over a few seconds, more than any ability in the bracket that I can think of bar crits). Otherwise glyph of weakened soul can give you more shields, glyph of reflect can make it so when shield yourself it will deal 500 damage or so overall to whoever attacks you, not too sure about other glyphs although someone will probably know.

Key abilities.

Spectral guise, cooldown invisibility, use when your in trouble to go invis and get away, leaves a shadow double behind.

Mind blast, nuke ability, use to get orbs to use Devouring plague

Devouring plague, uses 3 shadow orbs (only gotten through mind blast), deals massive damage, heals for the same as damage dealt.

Shadow word pain, keep this up on the opponents, keeps them out of stealth, hits hard, procs elemental force

Vampiric touch, similar to SW:p but has a cast time so careful to use it around rogues.

Power word Shield, this should be up when it can be up, obsorbs a large amount of damage, no cast time

Flash heal, quick (mana consuming) heal, heals for quite a bit of health, can usually outheal damage from a single source when you spam this, even as shadow it heals for a significant amount at 29, throw this out whenever anybody is getting focused, somebody being alive is better than a vampiric embrace going off.
Mind Flay, filler spell, if you aren't getting focused, or aren't healing an ally getting focused, or throwing on shields, you can use this, probably better to just re-apply SW:p now that it has that initial instant tic (mind flay is channeled so you can't do anything else while using it including moving).
priest isnt op, glyph of mind harvest is op. the glyph almost single-handedly makes the class what it is. the only other semi reasonable option is the reflective shield glyph and that one is gf'd. swp can be spammed on the move since it does initial damage. it's hilariously effective.
A friend is rolling a 29 spriest to run with me.

I have never played a priest at any level and neither has he.

Any tips on stat weights, talents, glyphs, enchants, and key abilities etc?

Aside from the obvious grandfathered items, this is probably the best way to build a spriest: Priestz @ Ursin - Community - World of Warcraft

Also, glyph of Mind Harvest is not OP, it has obvious drawbacks that make it terrible for anything more serious than farming random terribles in BGs. Good players aren't going to fall over dead because of it, and the added CD to Mind Blast means you will cast it less often anyway. Spriest's strength comes from its ability to support teammates with bubbles, heals, and offensive dispels in addition to strong sustained damage.
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I actually disagree with the haste obsession. People keep telling me that it makes Dots (Damage over Time) tick faster. That isn't true. Regardless of haste, your dots will tick over the same amount of time. For instance, Shadow Word: Pain will always tick for 18 seconds no matter how much haste you use. That is to say, the only difference in how much direct dps you do with your dots over that time is dependent on your spell power and versatility. Haste will allow faster cast times, mind blast, mind flay (I think?), and shorter global cool downs. If you want to hit hard however, stacking spell power and versatility will give you the most out of each ability.

If you want your Dots to hit as hard as possible (ie. shadow word: Pain & Vampiric Touch) then you should stack versatility>spell power (intellect)>crit>haste. By doing this, you can turn a spriest into an affliction lock essentially, with the biggest dot ticks and also largest mind blasts/devouring plagues. I rarely have to use mind flay etc.

Kraethine @ Zul'jin - Community - World of Warcraft
Ok, the time is 18 seconds for both. The tooltip says, 1k dps or so over 18 seconds in haste build. 1.25k dps over 18 seconds in versatility build. Where are these extra ticks coming from? Is the game adding in extra damage that isn't specified in the ability descriptions?
Since I am a FOTM roller.... You know that I was all over hunters in WOTLK and CATA (jk) and you know, SP in 24s... Boomkin.... wait, never did that. I know a little about FOTM. Ok, BS....

seriously though... I just retrofitted one of my shadow priests to disc and love it much more than I did spriest. Just saying... give it a try. Doing 100k Healing and 100k damage vs 125k damage alone is fun!

I am still trying to decide whether or not to level this spriest to 29.
Shadow is pretty cool in the fact that it really plays to the style of combat that you enjoy.
A lot of users go for some different builds. Versatility / Haste / Intellect (Spell Power) / Crit
So depending on what you like to do, DoTs / Big Crits / Survivability / Off Healing. You can really customize the character to how you personally like to play.

The glyphs are also something to consider. Do you want a bursty type character? Definitely go for the Mind Blast glyph that gives you 3 orbs off the cast (per target).

Some tips I can give, is learn how to effectively use spectral guise, it will be quite handy. Also, know when and who to dispel magic on.
I like versatility and stamina on my spriest. I like the survivability and the potential for leet off heals, and the damage is still noteworthy

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