20-29 glass canon sets at higher levels?

Tom Ganks

Anyone know what kind of damage/healing a lvl 39, 60, or 80 would pull off with a glass canon set such as these (scaled)?

Erizel @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Wapah @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Stabiltyo @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft
Boredumword @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft

And why don't I see more twinks at those levels with that kind of gear?

And what kind of health would, let's say a 99 have, with bis stam?

Just curious is all.. :)
Anyone know what kind of damage/healing a lvl 39, 60, or 80 would pull off with a glass canon set such as these (scaled)?

Erizel @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Wapah @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Stabiltyo @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft
Boredumword @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft

And why don't I see more twinks at those levels with that kind of gear?

And what kind of health would, let's say a 99 have, with bis stam?

Just curious is all.. :)

I tried to PVP with my 80 hunter (just bought all the ICC gear from Dalaran, the upgrade tokens are only useful for transmog). I was fully gemmed/enchanted with agility/crit with precisely calibrated boomstick (scales up to ~80 agility in that bracket) but it just didn't seem to do much, I had 4k+ hp less than everybody (they were almost all at 22k+) and I didn't hit that much harder. I will try testing it with pure agility stuff but I doubt the loss of HP would be worth it.

Edit: Might not be the best idea to try it on a class that goes from leather > mail but I will try to find good straight agility stuff for mail at that level.
In theory they should be good. They are the best scaling items in the 20-29 bracket, and would still scale better than all the other 20-29 blues that have lesser scaling. But if there were items in, lets say the 30-39 bracket, that scaled EVEN better, or had an ilvl that were above 34 (and thus won't scale) combined with better stats, they would be superior. Like in the 90-99 bracket where you can get the WoD crafted items that have an ilvl that is higher than what the normal items scale to.
Again, it should be done on the PTR. I don't want anyone to seriously try this unless they truly don't care or have a spare twink they don't use.

And yea [MENTION=12184]Snack[/MENTION] I can see that but since we have WC lizard cloak that scales to the same agility (9) as Parachute unscaled at just ilvl 34, where as Parachute is ilvl 43. I couldn't see even the previous bis glass Canon items in previous expansions coming close to these scaled.

Maybe a few items might be superior at higher levels, but seeing how low ilvl gear usually scales best, I can't see many items beating some of them. Obviously 90-99 is out of the question due to wod crafted gear, but 80-89 might be pretty epic if they get scaled to around 280-300
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Again, it should be done on the PTR. I don't want anyone to seriously try this unless they truly don't care or have a spare twink they don't use.

Or then someone should just log their random high lvl toon, go run a couple sfk/wc/gnomer/whatever, and try how some of the items scale on a bg, instead of levelling a 29 up? :p
From the Rogue glass cannon perspective, none of the GC gear of a Rogue would work, but i'm sure the scaling for SOME items may be better than the 39 'BiS" items even though i'm a bit doubtful. Worth a try on PTR or just leveling a 39 and just farming some 29 glass cannon gear.
Also, i'm flattered that you posted my Spriest gear, just wanted to put that one in there :).
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