Search results

  1. The Nineteens Wargaming League: Structure and Rules

    Re: The Nineteens Wargaming League - Rules, Stream, and Structure Name:Matt Battle Tag: Aein#1922 Horde Armory: Peepthis @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Class: Priest Armory 2: Notcute @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft Class: Shaman
  2. US Project: GG Nineteen

    Thanks for the direction!
  3. Twink News Thread

    Realm: Bleeding Hollow (US) Battletag: Aein#1922 Peepthis @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
  4. US Project: GG Nineteen

    Hey yall. I have already private messaged Conq, but as it seems that this thread is actively checked, I will leave a message here aswell. (also im sure a lot of people private message him regarding GG19s and its hard to get to all of them). Anwyays, while I am not seeking any funding, I would...
  5. Door cracks as it opens..guess who

    I just think it's too funny, but you're right I shall refrain
  6. Alliance losing EotS

  7. Door cracks as it opens..guess who

    I think I speak for most of us when I say this, nobody cares about Swifty, but we'd be happy to use him to get some more activity. Also how you have a pic on your twitch of having Sodapoppin added , lolwhocares
  8. Rahbek WoWGaming vs Gurubashi Surf Club

    Looking forward to watching this!
  9. What classes are broken?

    Definitely don't be a WW or BW monk, they're trash! Ret pally, shadow priest, feral druid are all hardly decent, everything else is best! Edit: Wish I rolled a Prot pally tbh!
  10. 20-29 Battletag list US + EU

    Battletag - Aein#1922 US or EU - US Alliance or horde - Horde Character classes and levels - Rdruid/Rsham 29 Which Character you play the most (will be in yellow color) - Rsham
  11. Draft 10v10s - Saturday, Nov 1st

    Would be sweet if someone streamed this
  12. Healing rings

    Just saying, don't get go advisors ring just to fill your second ring spot. Chabals/maywikis+Beasbinder > Boa+Advisors for resto sham any day (unless your'e going with a haste build) but I would stay away from the pvp ring personally.
  13. Healing rings

    Id say Beastbinder and chabals are most appropriate for resto sham right now. If/when spirit is needed on 29s advisors could become useful
  14. PSA on GF Glyphs

    All that really needed to be said, interesting approach though Willix
  15. 20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List You could put my 29 Rsham up Thën @ Wyrmrest Accord - Community - World of Warcraft
  16. Glowing Magical Bracelets

    he was talking to me, so cool? I really refuse to argue on forums
  17. Glowing Magical Bracelets

    I kind of don't even care, not gonna lie
  18. 20-29s Armory List

    Re: 29s Armory List That's good to hear, but will you add more people who have asked to be/are appropriately geared? I know you said that you will choose who you put on it, but there are a lot of links in the pages that aren't on the list.