PSA on GF Glyphs


Patch 6.0.2 brought a significant change to the glyph system, making some glyphs automatically learned by the player at a specific level. I'm not sure if Blizzard did this to better manage which level players get glyphs or to just make it easier for players to acquire glyphs, but this change definitely moved some glyphs out of the range of low level players.

That being said, I noticed something odd about what happens when you reset a spec: some glyphs are automatically removed from the slot they occupy. At first I figured this happened depending on how the glyph impacts your spec, but I can't determine a link between which glyphs are unlearned by resetting your spec. As an example, Glyph of Ghost Wolf - Item - World of Warcraft becomes unlearned when you unlearn your spec. Glyph of Flame Shock - Spell - World of Warcraft does not. Glyph of chain lightning - Wowhead Search does not.

Now, with the new changes to glyphs, some glyphs are considered spec specific, making them available/unavailable depending on spec, also removing them from your equipped glyphs when you reset spec. However, the three that I just mentioned are not spec specific.

Why is this relevant, you ask? Some people have glyphs equipped that are no longer available to them at the level they play at, making them 'grandfathered.' At this point, it's impossible to determine whether some of these glyphs become automatically unlearned when you reset your character's spec (which is frequent at 29 since you don't have dual spec), without risking the loss of a grandfathered glyph.

Glyph of Polymorph, Glyph of Lightning Shield, Glyph of Penance, and Glyph of Reflective Shield are just some of these grandfathered glyphs that people have (which can be determined as necessary for a class to be playing at their full potential).

Be careful when resetting specs on your 29s with GF glyphs.

That is all.
Noticed that I still use Glyph of Inner Fire on one of my priests :s

.Are these glyphs totally out of this game or are they still ingame after creating like enchant cloak stealth?
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leotseddap said:
Are these glyphs totally out of this game or are they still ingame after creating like enchant cloak stealth?

1. Blizzard decided to make some glyphs automatically learned at a specific level, instead of making players go buy them from the AH/craft them.

2. Some of these glyphs were once 'equippable' by players at level 25 (29).

3. Now, some of them are not, because instead of being in your spell book, they are automatically learned once you reach a certain level.

4. Some players have them equipped from before 6.0, this thread is intended to caution those players who might reset their spec without a second thought, and lose said glyphs because of it.

Mages need Polymorph glyp (as an example) because it removes dots. You can't get that glyph now until level 50, making a level 29 mage who has it more capable than a mage who doesn't.

Do you understand now?
1. Blizzard decided to make some glyphs automatically learned at a specific level, instead of making players go buy them from the AH/craft them.

2. Some of these glyphs were once 'equippable' by players at level 25 (29).

3. Now, some of them are not, because instead of being in your spell book, they are automatically learned once you reach a certain level.

4. Some players have them equipped from before 6.0, this thread is intended to caution those players who might reset their spec without a second thought, and lose said glyphs because of it.

Mages need Polymorph glyp (as an example) because it removes dots. You can't get that glyph now until level 50, making a level 29 mage who has it more capable than a mage who doesn't.

Do you understand now?
I never said I didn't understand you and I can see you didn't understand what I was asking.

When you made some of these gf'd glyphs before 6.X are these still ingame or were they removed or have they gotten a req level to use?

And please, don't react like I am a stupid noob and know nothing while you know everything. Have seen that with the enchants already that I was right about spellpower. If you don't understand what I am trying to say just ask instead of assuming I don't understand what you wrote because you didn't read right.
PS. Or am I now mixing you up with frozenwill :D Sorry if that is the case can't remember and couldn't find those posts.
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I never said I didn't understand you and I can see you didn't understand what I was asking.

When you made some of these gf'd glyphs before 6.X are these still ingame or were they removed or have they gotten a req level to use?

And please, don't react like I am a stupid noob and know nothing while you know everything. Have seen that with the enchants already that I was right about spellpower. If you don't understand what I am trying to say just ask instead of assuming I don't understand what you wrote because you didn't read right.

/sigh. I just explained exactly what happened with these glyphs. Please read again before repeating your question for a third time.
He is asking if you made the pysical glyph before the patch, is the physical glyph still in your inventory.

If it is, is it still learnable.

I would suspect not, because some of the glyphs from my scribes bags are grey and vendor trash.
He is asking if you made the pysical glyph before the patch, is the physical glyph still in your inventory.

If it is, is it still learnable.

I would suspect not, because some of the glyphs from my scribes bags are grey and vendor trash.

Pretty sure both of my posts were clear about the fact that they are no longer obtainable except through the new system of reaching the level where you automatically obtain them. You cannot get them from the AH, nor can you add them to your spell book. It should be obvious that the ones created before 6.0 turned to vendor trash.
Pretty sure both of my posts were clear about the fact that they are no longer obtainable except through the new system of reaching the level where you automatically obtain them. You cannot get them from the AH, nor can you add them to your spell book. It should be obvious that the ones created before 6.0 turned to vendor trash.
No that is not obvious that they turned into vendor trash because several gf'd pieces are still in game even after removal, hence why I am asking this in the first place and you seemed knowledgable to ask to.. I was so wrong. I didn't gave the cloak stealth example for nothing and telling they are not obtainable anymore says nothing about created items like the enchant. It could have been that the physical glyph was still ingame just like the physical scroll of stealth.

But thank you for your answer.
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leotseddap said:
No that is not obvious that they turned into vendor trash because several gf'd pieces are still in game even after removal, hence why I am asking this in the first place and you seemed knowledgable to ask to.. I was so wrong. I didn't gave the cloak stealth example for nothing and telling they are not obtainable anymore says nothing about created items like the enchant. It could have been that the physical glyph was still ingame just like the physical scroll of stealth.

But thank you for your answer.

Glyphs are not enchants, Enchant Cloak - Stealth did not get removed from the game (neither the recipe or the scrolls made before 6.0). So making up things to try and compare glyphs to is pretty silly. LIke I said, my post were pretty clear about these glyphs. You cannot get them. So why would you ask if they were still in the game?
I never said I didn't understand you and I can see you didn't understand what I was asking.

When you made some of these gf'd glyphs before 6.X are these still ingame or were they removed or have they gotten a req level to use?

And please, don't react like I am a stupid noob and know nothing while you know everything. Have seen that with the enchants already that I was right about spellpower. If you don't understand what I am trying to say just ask instead of assuming I don't understand what you wrote because you didn't read right.
PS. Or am I now mixing you up with frozenwill :D Sorry if that is the case can't remember and couldn't find those posts.
woah! what did i do :(

edit: oh, that was a diff thread haha
Glyphs are not enchants, Enchant Cloak - Stealth did not get removed from the game (neither the recipe or the scrolls made before 6.0). So making up things to try and compare glyphs to is pretty silly. LIke I said, my post were pretty clear about these glyphs. You cannot get them. So why would you ask if they were still in the game?
Glyphs are not enchants but still you compare them both while I am not even doing that. It makes you guilty of your own words.

Also I am not able to make enchant cloak stealth anymore on my enchanter that just disapeared somehow so I assumed it was removed and grandfathered but not the point anyways but you like to make that the point and fight it seems and why would I ask such a thing? because you didn't mention that in any of your posts why else would I ask such a thing. If it was clear I wouldn.t have asked but you simply didn't mentioned it.

But nvm this is not worth my time. I'm talking to a brik wall with anger, hate issues.
He is asking if you made the pysical glyph before the patch, is the physical glyph still in your inventory.

If it is, is it still learnable.

I would suspect not, because some of the glyphs from my scribes bags are grey and vendor trash.

All that really needed to be said, interesting approach though Willix
leotseddap said:
Glyphs are not enchants but still you compare them both while I am not even doing that. It makes you guilty of your own words.

You specifically mentioned Stealth enchant scrolls, and asked if these glyphs were like that enchant.

I didn't imagine it, that was the second post in this thread.

leotseddap said:
Also I am not able to make enchant cloak stealth anymore on my enchanter that just disapeared somehow so I assumed it was removed and grandfathered but not the point anyways but you like to make that the point and fight it seems and why would I ask such a thing? because you didn't mention that in any of your posts why else would I ask such a thing. If it was clear I wouldn.t have asked but you simply didn't mentioned it.

imgur: the simple image sharer Enchant Cloak - Stealth is certainly still in the game. I just made one to show you.

And I don't know why you asked what you asked. I thought I made it pretty clear what was happening with these glyphs.

- You can't learn them unless you reached a certain level (at which point they are automatically learned).
- Learned ones in your spellbook were removed.
- Equipped ones weren't.
- You can't buy them from the AH.

Which implicitly means that these glyphs were not removed from the game, they are still there. They just aren't available to low level players any longer (unless you had them equipped prior to 6.0). Hence the term 'grandfathered.'

leotseddap said:
But nvm this is not worth my time. I'm talking to a brik wall with anger, hate issues.

I have anger/hate issues? I made this thread as a public service announcement to any 29s who had any of these specific glyphs equipped prior to 6.0, to let them know that they should be careful when resetting their specs because it might result in losing something they can't get back. If that makes me a hateful, angry person, then I guess I'd rather be that than see people lose something of value from their twinks.

I think the problem here is you are asking something that has no real bearing on the subject of this thread, and reacting badly to my continued efforts to explain it to you.
Do you pre-pubescent skinny jean wearing tweens even realize what you're arguing about?

This is exactly what this forum doesn't need. You're bitching at each other like real housewives of TI. I want to stab myself in the junk with a toaster everytime my wife turns that crap on. God just shoot me in the face.
A total of 133 glyphs were turned into charred glyphs when 6.02 was released. Those are the ones that are prelearned. Currently there is no way of obtaining those glyphs as they are no longer craftable.
The glyph system and the enchanting system should not be compared in the way that they were in this thread. Glyphs are learned once and can be used over and over. Enchants are not that way.
To answer the OPs question, I do not know. If you have a glyph "equipped" that was not meant for your level once you replace it you may not be able to get it back.

Holy crap im fricking confused right now

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