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  1. KKT

    [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    Re: Curley's Rogue Guide Curley great guide for the gearing aspect! Would you mind adding a section for tips on rogues?Whether it is in Bgs or arenas, I think some insight on awareness,Oppurtunity,Patience,Etc.. Could help new or veteran rogues learn some new tricks.
  2. KKT

    Help a brother out

    Will I get the TI donor title?
  3. KKT

    Your Greatest Moment

    Typo ;)
  4. KKT

    AP ally vs horde

    Im down for this event :D
  5. KKT

    Harlem Shake was a success

    I was there the whole time where was me :o It was a fun time tho
  6. KKT

    Your Ultimate WoW Wish...

    I wish for the Sea turtle mount.
  7. KKT

    Classes/Specs you never see in BGs/Would like to see more of

    Oh I hardly see MM hunters too.
  8. KKT

    Oneshot is ?

    If you would have just linked the video and write how you could improve, you wouldn't get flamed so much. 7/10 -Cirzix
  9. KKT

    Transmog Pictures (not the same mog everyone facerolls)

    Lollipop, same exact mog as mines :o except hat and shoulders.
  10. KKT

    Super Prot damage

    For people saying Blizzard isn't gonna nerf Shield slam because they don't listen to f2ps,they're wrong.SS isn't only "OP" in the 19 and f2p brackets,In other brackets SS one shots people and many people are complaining.So enjoy it while you can! check the other brackets if you dont believe me.
  11. KKT

    Super Prot damage

    On The bright side, warriors blow spriests up.