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  1. Otinashi

    How do you healers avoid getting blown up in midfield?

    This^, especially 2&6. Also be sure to not stand in the mist of the fight, but then not too far off where you'll get picked off by rogues. Behind and between stumps is good. It's like out of sight, out of mind. They know something is healing the dps, but most of the time can't be bothered to...
  2. Otinashi

    5.3 DMF changes

    Oh dear... what will Blizz implement next? CRZ is a terrible idea for DMF. I thought I would get there early to avoid the crowd, and I guess everyone else thought the same thing. Couldn't do any dallies, especially the shooting range - too many dips blocking the view + atrocious lag. Logged...
  3. Otinashi

    Angry rant

    Lmao. I was in a game tonight with five 24's on the other team, two of which were fotm ferals, one was a specialpriest with 1.6k health. Our side won with all 20's, 3-0. A lot of 24's are terrible unless they're holding each others hand in a pre-made, and even then it's not a definite win for...
  4. Otinashi

    Guardian Druids

    Resto is still OP and cats are doing great damage. Not expecting to see many playing guardian with the other two specs being what they are. And the ones I've seen in bgs weren't anything fantastic... usually needed another healer/s behind them to be fairly effective =/
  5. Otinashi

    F2P "Ironman" Experiment

    Sounds fun! I totally encourage you wanting to do such an experiment... long as you do it on Alliance.
  6. Otinashi

    Why do we /AFK, or why don't we /AFK?

    ...I afk when half my team is scrubs too lazy to at least get their dungeon blues, but queue pvp hoping to get carried to honor boa by geared players. If I can inspect both teams and predict a loss on my end I save myself the trouble and afk... If I do stay in a bg and it's not going well...
  7. Otinashi

    Shield Slam Nerf

    I don't :D
  8. Otinashi

    Which was more annoying...

    MOP Shockadin.....As in the period where holy shock was so incredibly broken a ret could switch to holy, keep his str gear and still crit for 800? That was the most annoying. You were dead before comprehending what occurred. With hs's range, sometimes you couldn't even figured out who killed...
  9. Otinashi

    On a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy playing WoW?

    7/10 If I'm not having to afk out of 80% of BG's since isn't much else to do as ftp
  10. Otinashi

    2 new 'obtainable' mounts

    I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a Blingtron on my ftp toons. Even if farmed daily, with that drop rate it doesn't seem worth actually trying. Luck is luck, may it be with you.
  11. Otinashi

    Come at me Bro

    My hunt used to be an automatic target, obviously not because of TI since I hardly post, but likely because I used to mess with people....Trolling prots across the field with concussive 'n scatter shot was entertaining. And I'll admit I'm more likely to target familiar names, that's only...
  12. Otinashi

    What do you do when you aren't doing bgs?

    I farm gear sets off rares , and if nothing is up I simply log to write/browse YT/chat with friends, ect. -- Not much else entertains me in game anymore.
  13. Otinashi

    Prot pallies? lets talk about hpals

    Lol! Let's talk about anything and everything in the bracket that could possibly do damage and/or heal themselves and teammates. Frankly, I hate them all. Yet, I still play. Not saying don't complain, just saying there's no point...... ^_^!
  14. Otinashi

    FTPs on holidays?

    Haven't noticed an increase in 24's during Dec specifically, though I do see quite a few under-geared players. As said, as much is expected since schools out for winter break. This happens every holiday when folks have a day off, which is why I don't usually play during those times. Lil is...