5.3 DMF changes


the F2P PvEr
I failed the thread before, made it because I was over excited, so this is some kind of repairing thread.
Ok, 5.3 changes in DMF:
  • DMF is now CRZ, allowing us to gain multiple chests
  • We can now pick up pet battle quest, but cant complete it
  • on cannon quest, if you land next to the circle, but not inside, you still get 1 point (was 0) - poor shot
  • ! Anyone who kills a target inside the tank daily gives a point to you as well, you can AFK the whole daily if many people do it.
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Gheyyyy . They need to open up some of the buildings currently under construction.
Just amazing ... DMF was fine with out CRZ.

Last thing i need is more people crowding daily quest areas.

CRZ really needs an option that allows you to "opt in".

AGM chest in STV isnt an issue if only it wasnt CRZ. Only people i see from AP are 20s ... and i dont mind losing the chest to a 20. But 90s sitting on the chest just to farm and troll (by taking AGM but not emptying the chest) people is a waste of time for everyone.
Oh dear... what will Blizz implement next? CRZ is a terrible idea for DMF. I thought I would get there early to avoid the crowd, and I guess everyone else thought the same thing. Couldn't do any dallies, especially the shooting range - too many dips blocking the view + atrocious lag. Logged right off the game. Would complain more but it ain't like I'm subbed so....
Great... CRZ for DMF GREAT IDEA BLIZZ... Damn I already had like 3 fps in that damn circus town now it's literally going to be a circus town with all those people running around (hehe that rhymed) :/ Plus now I can say bye bye to 80g each day from the chest

I always looked forward to tryin to get gold from the DMF Arena. Just for achivz of course ... Now its just like AGM arena ... And i have nothing but negative things to say about CRZ in "The Great Arena" ...

They need the have BOTH Arenas Phased so only your BG lvl bracket will show up. Example, 20-24s ONLY ... no 90s farming lowbies or trolling the players by leaving the chest but taking the trinket.
I'm just pissed at how much time i have to spend loggin on every 3 hours just to see 90s farm the Arena. Technically i should have the AGM trinket already since when i log i dont always see people from AP. Its usually 90s from other servers that show up.
I have no issues on 20-24s winning the chest over me. In fact its fun versing 20s who are all trying to open the chest first. But 90s just camping the chest for the sake of ganking you isnt my idea of a fun game.
Sorry got carried away there, just really annoying at all the time wasted.

But as I always say ... at least its free ...

UPDATE: just finished my DMF dailies.
Heres what its like now ...

Hammering Gnolls are distracting when your see 20 other people running around.
Cannon has no real difference, but its still bugged. I landed in the middle yet didn't count as bullseye.
Shooting range is crowded but still easy.
Tonk Tanks are POINTLESS now since you don't even need to shoot anything. Other peoples shots count towards your goal. There goes a simple fun game for me.
First Aid can get irritating since you now have 3-5 people all waiting on the same carnie then if you are too slow then you need to find another one which by then are all gone. Spawns aren't too long, its just competing with the rest of the 50 other people all doing FA daily.
Fishing and Cooking still the same.
Ring toss the same.
Haven t tried DMF Arena yet since I'm stuck doing AGM Arena.
I suggest an off peak time to do dailies.

All in all CRZ was REALLY pointless. DMF was never about population, if anything the less the better.
What I don't get is, they cram more people into DMF ... yet all these "tents" are still closed ...
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yeah this cross realm stuff is doing my head in. Last DMF there was 3 people in there max at one time... chests were easy to get at all hours. Now its just loads of undergeared level 88's farming the fishing pools etc etc
Just don't know who is meant to benefit from CRZ. All I can think of is people looking for help with a group quest, blizz could just do a LFG thing for that

DPR will be next
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Don't worry guys, blizz already lost 1.3 million subs as shown in the last earnings report. Hopefully they open their eyes and change some things soon.

I have a Crazy feeling they have shut down servers and crammed us all on to a handful of servers and use CRZ as the excuse on why we have people from different servers popping up everywhere ...

Blizz way of cutting cost from loss of subs.

Yea i know ... Crazy speak right ... or ... is it ...
I have a Crazy feeling they have shut down servers and crammed us all on to a handful of servers and use CRZ as the excuse on why we have people from different servers popping up everywhere ...

Blizz way of cutting cost from loss of subs.

Yea i know ... Crazy speak right ... or ... is it ...
Fact. That's also the reason for the increased lag in BGs some people experience, I think. Less instance servers to handle the load.
I have a Crazy feeling they have shut down servers and crammed us all on to a handful of servers and use CRZ as the excuse on why we have people from different servers popping up everywhere ...

Blizz way of cutting cost from loss of subs.

Yea i know ... Crazy speak right ... or ... is it ...

/tinfoil hat 0_o

In all seriousness though, I can't believe Blizz didn't consider the ridiculousness bringing CRZ to DMF would incur. Every vendor/booth has a guy on a mammoth blocking the NPC, and I saw two mammoths parked nuts to butts on the counter at the shooting gallery. It took me 10 minutes to get the First Aid quest done, if anyone has a quick macro for that I'm sure everyone would appreciate it.
I'm pressing my nose against the tonk targets and its still taking 3 or 4 shots to hit them. Lovely...
I've been resisting the urge to go afk on my mammoth in the shooting gallery but don't know if I can hold out much longer
/tinfoil hat 0_o

In all seriousness though, I can't believe Blizz didn't consider the ridiculousness bringing CRZ to DMF would incur. Every vendor/booth has a guy on a mammoth blocking the NPC, and I saw two mammoths parked nuts to butts on the counter at the shooting gallery. It took me 10 minutes to get the First Aid quest done, if anyone has a quick macro for that I'm sure everyone would appreciate it.

/tar Injured Carnie
/use (Put name of quest bandage)

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