FTPs on holidays?

Guys whats goin on lately in WSG?
1)long queues (up to 20mins)
2)lots of 800hp ppl
3)lots of 24s (well more than a month ago)
4) very few respected ftp names

rly while just mid-December I had 3 out of 4 games that I enjoyed now its 1 out of 4 at best and queues are longer; plenty of noobs (24s are included here) ruining games - is that a sign of a holiday period and things will become normal in January? (I hope...)
there is so many 24s cause there parents are letting them play since they are on break from school.. Not a random guess cause I kept track and the samething happened for thanksgiving break.

Give it 2 more weeks and the 24s will decrease drastically and the games will get alittle better.
No, this bracket will be forever ruined by many things

once upon a time the bracket was fun,pure f2p vs f2p but that went away a LOOONG time ago. Before everyone knew about OP classes like hunter,and a couple of others. To me ,personally it was fun during early 2011 july, maybe until 5-7th august but 24s/ap premades/multiboxers were already popping up.

Now, on the plus side when I am queued horde I know there will be 3+ 24s every game im in. Easy honor with 24s carrying you.
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Didn't the above poster get banned for unrelated garbage such as this?

The WoW comercial for Panda Land are still running, there will be an influx of new f2p's as well as 24's playing on their time off.
Haven't noticed an increase in 24's during Dec specifically, though I do see quite a few under-geared players. As said, as much is expected since schools out for winter break. This happens every holiday when folks have a day off, which is why I don't usually play during those times. Lil is right, just give it a couple weeks.
ok guys thx, these were my hopes too
and Public you know most of these ppl here doesnt play for honor anymore, so poor argument
ok guys thx, these were my hopes too
and Public you know most of these ppl here doesnt play for honor anymore, so poor argument

I think you misunderstood me.I dont play much fo honor myself, I have every BoA in the game I wanted.

What I was trying to point out is what the ''fun games'' are long over, to me they only existed before 24s found out, and that was like the first 3 weeks of f2p. Back when the bracket was uncorrupted by 10 man premades/24s.Sure I had full blues gear carry me like the scrub I was(Still am) but at that time there was no such thing as 5+ hunters or 5+ druids people didnt know about overpowered classes
No, this bracket will be forever ruined by many things

once upon a time the bracket was fun,pure f2p vs f2p but that went away a LOOONG time ago. Before everyone knew about OP classes like hunter,and a couple of others. To me ,personally it was fun during early 2011 july, maybe until 5-7th august but 24s/ap premades/multiboxers were already popping up.

Now, on the plus side when I am queued horde I know there will be 3+ 24s every game im in. Easy honor with 24s carrying you.

I guess thats unfortunate for you that you were only able to have fun for like a few weeks. You got a sad life bro!
Yes it was fun back in 2011, when we didnt have many 24s and lvl20 twinks didnt know much about the game.
It was like discovering of completely changed bracket were only Hunters and Hpalas were OP, and there wasnt 5+hunters or 5+hpalas in each teams.
I remenber those days, alot of 800hp ppl lots of diferent classes.
And when i saw 24s with those unknowed trinkets and with 2.5K+ hp guys i was like, WTF :O
Then more and more 24s camed to the bracket... trials were starting to get pissed and so tired of 24s... trials started rolling hunters, Hpalas.
It was the beginning of the "Dark Times" in the F2P Bracket.

U know fishing can be fun...

Antonidas' Silver Coin:

"Grant me the strength to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
Try running randoms for satchels , it's bad in game. Tanked most runs on my new rogue with no satchel drops today.

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