How do you healers avoid getting blown up in midfield?


washed f2p tink
Been Pugging on a priest lately and have been getting bad horde teams where I am the only healer usually what I do is pick my fights and just wait or hide, what do you healers do to avoid overextending and getting blown up in mid?

Usually my team can't get out of the gy the whole game. I just don't know what do, you know.
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It is kind of a matter of picking fights, you don't want to be the only healer in a knot of enemy hunters/whatever because if they have any brains they'll hit you for sure. Keep your dps between you and the enemy, stay on the fringes and don't run into a pack no matter who's going. If it's your fc they're not doing it right anyways and you trying to keep them up probably won't help, you can only heal one person thru 3+ decent dps with multiple healers, or good cc.

If you're not using it already I'd go psyfiend, fear really helps me control how much dmg I'm taking on my priest.

Tbh tho there's only so much you can do, if your team can't get out of the gy that's not the fault of any one player.
Speed Pots XXX , hate the game not the player. :eek::rolleyes:

Jk, you should idd try Q with some friends that can support you. If ur solo Qing, I guess just hope for the best -.-
When healing in mid, try to utilize the tree stumps. You can climb several of them to get out of melee range. If there are more ranged then melee, instead of climbing stumps to make you more visible, try to stay behind the stumps or in bushes so you cant be seen. This way many people won't know you are there, or atleast enough so they can't focus you down. Also instead of chaotically running mid, try to encourage your team to advance. Certain spots in mid are safer than others. For example, if the fight is near your gy, try to heal and los using the heal hut. Then try to advance to the next set of stumps/bushes until you can reach the opposite sides zerk hut. If your team is getting farmed just rezz above the gy to heal em or use heal hut to los again. Also another thing I find is that having a darkish mog that doesn't stand out, preferrably green or brown, leads to being focused less. Maybe that's just a stupid superstition but it does make me feel focused less when I used it (although ill never give up my sexy white priest mog)
1) Pre- Bubble
2) Always focus on yourself first. You are of no help to anyone if your dead, and if your healing yourself because of incoming damage thats less dps on them.
3) Pre-Bubble
4) Use your cc. If you know your going to die without fail, try to get near there ranged dps and use psychic scream.
5) If melee dps is on you use Psy-Fiend.
6) Pick the people who will do the most while alive and focus healing on them over randoms wearing greys.
1) Pre- Bubble
2) Always focus on yourself first. You are of no help to anyone if your dead, and if your healing yourself because of incoming damage thats less dps on them.
3) Pre-Bubble
4) Use your cc. If you know your going to die without fail, try to get near there ranged dps and use psychic scream.
5) If melee dps is on you use Psy-Fiend.
6) Pick the people who will do the most while alive and focus healing on them over randoms wearing greys.

This^, especially 2&6.

Also be sure to not stand in the mist of the fight, but then not too far off where you'll get picked off by rogues. Behind and between stumps is good. It's like out of sight, out of mind. They know something is healing the dps, but most of the time can't be bothered to look for it -_-. If there is no where to hide stand next to hunters or cloth dps. Priest+ lock or priest+mage is pretty efficient when fears and snares are timed right.
So I haven't played this patch so I don't know how much of a problem this really is but you probably gave yourself one of the best answers you'll get.
avoid overextending
If you are at close to max range for healing your team in mid, there is absolutely no way a melee will swap to you with ease and, chances are, the ranged alliance will be out of range in the opposite direction thus placing you in a pretty safe position. Other than positioning properly, situational awareness is key. Often times, it's pretty easy to predict when a swap to you is coming. Either the target being focused is dropping exceedingly fast or one or two people have already peeled onto you are some pretty obvious signs. Stay aware and be ready to start bubble kiting. Finally, keep yourself as a top priority. It may seem like a selfish play style but it is extremely effective and you'll find that playing with that mindset leads to better healing overall.

edit: The same advice stands even if you are trapped in graveyard. If you stand at the back wall or on the front edge (depending on how much alliance is pressuring you) you can remain out of range and usually keep some people up.
Many battlegrounds will have structures that aren't truly "solid".
What I mean is that you can literally stand in one place and cast heals on people who are on the other side of the structure (for ex: walls, rocks, small cliffs, etc). This is an awesome situation to be in and if you can find them, you're golden.

I haven't healed on WSG or Arathi recently, but I think I remember the entrance ways (to each base) being as I described above as well as the GY.

Honestly, you're not going to get a ton of recognition from pugs. Meaning you're going to get left in the dust. If you say anything like "don't ditch your healers" you will be ignored, or (if the small chance that his happens pops up:) perhaps you'll have 1-2 people who care. Random BGs are really tough as many of them don't know what they're doing and it all goes to crap pretty fast.

Definitely use structures. Stay behind the structure, then whip around it (the corner) to cast a heal, and then back. This will not save you 24/7, but at the very least it'll force the enemy to reposition.
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I actually think I would get more attention if I stood on the stumps, Swoops.

I always keep myself, and everyone around me bubbled, I usually position myself behind my dps a great ways,but I have been using Tendrils instead of Psyfiend ,idk how much better it will peel. Ozzed.

Usually when my team is stuck in the gy, even when I try to heal them, they just run off and get ate somewhere near the gy. Staying in the gy usually isn't the smartest strategy as you will usually end up being farmed. Kablam.

It seems like Horde Pugs don't even know what a healer is or is supposed to do, some of the tunnel walls used to be able to do that but, I haven't found anything else. Spriesta.

I usually stand in some bushes or behind tree stumps in mid, and if there is none I'll stand a ways back behind my dps. - Otinasha

I will not be playing my Hunter that much in 5.3, being FoTM just sucks all of the fun of playing the class. Adal.

I think the enemy team has an add-on to focus the person with the least amount of health, I usually am always getting focused hard no matter where I am positioned at. - Kearbear

Most of my friends are still gearing on Thrall, so have not had much time to premade. Stamm
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Use your unlimited mana pool to your advantage, you can spam heal without going oom so do it. Preheal the smallest amounts of dmg, if u see a hunter drop 20 focus it can be a 350 arcane shot crit, so use flashheal in advance.

Stay as far away as you can while healing, or at such a spot that if the enemies attack you they are in a very dangerous position making it easy for your team to kill them.

Don't use penance offensively if you might need it defensively in the next 10 seconds.

Void tendrils > psyfiend, as a priest you kinda struggle with rogues especially if they trinket your fear. It's also quite hard for team to peel cus of crippling.
If you're getting gy farmed either afk or stand in a corner where ally can't see you and try to set one ally as your focus and heal whoever that focus is attacking. The goal while getting farmed isn't to keep yourself alive it's to kill the farmers so they have to go back to their gy then you can get free. (I'd also like to be getting in your bgs cause mine are the complete opposite lol)

For a healer just pick 2-3 good dps and pocket them. Healers are easy to pocket with since MoP so you can do multiple people if they stay in close range. I find standing in the back as a really bad idea even though some other people have mentioned it cause if you are the only healer and if ally has 1 good rogue you are dead. However both happens rarely so that shouldn't be much of a problem. I would try and stand near the ranged aka GOOD hunts or casters. You want people who won't be running all over the place or charging right into the other team blindlessly. Plus a healer with a hunt (even if the hunt is just shooting away at other people and not noticing you) is alot more scary to a rogue then a healer 20 yds back alone.

Also another thing is to not stay in mid ^-^ I rarely have a problem with staying in mid cause I just take the far right side over that stump and into zerk hut then kill or try killin efc and horde can do the same on the left side. Mid is easy to get through when you want to
If you're getting gy farmed either afk or stand in a corner where ally can't see you and try to set one ally as your focus and heal whoever that focus is attacking. The goal while getting farmed isn't to keep yourself alive it's to kill the farmers so they have to go back to their gy then you can get free. (I'd also like to be getting in your bgs cause mine are the complete opposite lol)

For a healer just pick 2-3 good dps and pocket them. Healers are easy to pocket with since MoP so you can do multiple people if they stay in close range. I find standing in the back as a really bad idea even though some other people have mentioned it cause if you are the only healer and if ally has 1 good rogue you are dead. However both happens rarely so that shouldn't be much of a problem. I would try and stand near the ranged aka GOOD hunts or casters. You want people who won't be running all over the place or charging right into the other team blindlessly. Plus a healer with a hunt (even if the hunt is just shooting away at other people and not noticing you) is alot more scary to a rogue then a healer 20 yds back alone.

Also another thing is to not stay in mid ^-^ I rarely have a problem with staying in mid cause I just take the far right side over that stump and into zerk hut then kill or try killin efc and horde can do the same on the left side. Mid is easy to get through when you want to

Usually I get prot pallys that pop divine shield and die, then I get the hunters that can't get above 15k damage ( you know the ones), usually Hunters aren't my problem, usally it is trying to get away from warriors and rogues. What I am telling you is the story of my bging life, lol. Also, sometimes you have to stay in midfield to kill Willwayco, no but, seriously some Alliance teams will totally dominate mid and or/ our gy there is like nothing you can do but, fight it out in mid or get gy farmed, and usually any jajajas on my team that pick the flag run straight into the middle of the field and get blown up pretty quick
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I would agree that standing in the back alone is pointless. I once thought that was wise, but a good rogue will gank you and an average rogue will at least delay your heals or annoy you.

Honestly though, rogues aren't terribly hard to get rid of as a priest.
What I usually do is:
1. Use trinket, out of sap, if I have it (or human racial).
2. Tendrils or Fear if I think they're close enough.
3. Dot rogue as soon as they pop up.
4. DPS them out, or continue healing if someone else has gotten them out of the way. Ultimately, you can just DoT them and start healing again becaise if you have a good team they'll be gone soon.
don't heal people in the middle unless you have no choice. don't heal people who don't peel, and when they QQ about it always answer with umad? let any hunter who isn't playing the objective die, then /w him with lol. if you're being gy farmed don't rez.
don't heal people in the middle unless you have no choice. don't heal people who don't peel, and when they QQ about it always answer with umad? let any hunter who isn't playing the objective die, then /w him with lol. if you're being gy farmed don't rez.

Most of the time I have no choice, you know.
1. Use trinket, out of sap, if I have it (or human racial).
yes, because rogues cant re-sap, and i never laugh when someone trinkets sap.
yes, because rogues cant re-sap, and i never laugh when someone trinkets sap.

I love trinketing sap on my hunt cause I normally just turn around and hit my stealth macro then rogue is dead... Trinketing sap has it's benefits ^-^

Neon: since you are a Dpriest you can probably solo some efcs with your damage so sometimes just get past mid and try killing efc yourself if no1 is going to come. You have one of if not the best all around classes dmg/healing wise so use that to your advantage if you're doing stuff without help.

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