What do you do when you aren't doing bgs?

I normally just use lofi's Gf'd list at the end of the rankings thread, You can armory people by looking up their name. I normally look for the level achievement. If the max is level 20 they are a non linked. If it has level 50 they are a DK linked one probably. If they have ANYTHING over 50 I know they are P2P linked and I stop looking there.

she >.< And that makes it sound rude but P2P shouldn't count with F2P.. a P2P can get over 5k with minimal effort and a F2P with 5k would be astounding. DK makes us still a F2P and we didn't spend a penny to be able to do it so we are still a F2P account. Also felix, thor, lofi, and kale were all the top achievement people and every one of them made a dk. Kale and lofi linked and felix and thor made dks.

Ok, so Im recently interested in getting to top @achieves, currently at 1365pts unlinked, but I have one question:
- I have the "Armored Bear" achie, from the time i was linked, but I got unlinked due to a blizzard's kindness, but all my mounts stayed with me, so i have the achie. I got it, and spend "not a penny" to get it on my trial... does that count? and thats only 1 achi rest i got on my own.
- oh, and how many achi pts are considered "nice score"? :D 2k? 3k?
Ok, so Im recently interested in getting to top @achieves, currently at 1365pts unlinked, but I have one question:
- I have the "Armored Bear" achie, from the time i was linked, but I got unlinked due to a blizzard's kindness, but all my mounts stayed with me, so i have the achie. I got it, and spend "not a penny" to get it on my trial... does that count? and thats only 1 achi rest i got on my own.
- oh, and how many achi pts are considered "nice score"? :D 2k? 3k?

If that's your only mount that you have P2P I would let it slide and still think of you as a F2P but if you have over 10 P2P mounts that are unobtainable for F2P I would probably call you linked. As for good I would consider now with MoP anything above 2.5k pretty good
Hmm if I'm not queueing bgs I'm leveling shamans. If it's between bgs, leveling shamans. If it's when I'm not playing wow at all... probably leveling shamans.
I've been farming deadmines a lot for a piece of transmog gear. Not working out so well. >.<
What's the recommended level range?

Depends on where you go. If you're young you can go pretty much anywhere if you have an adult that can carry you, just avoid hostile territories. Horde often hang out in places where you see lots of broken glass and stripped cars. Some instances you'll need to be level 21 to enter, but atm there's a bug you can exploit by getting a fake ID. However, these instances are often fraught with 24s looking to teabag your corpse, or in some cases furries looking to erp. They can be almost as bad as goldshire in moonguard, so I'd recommend getting fully twinked gear before trying them, even if you do have an adult carrying you.

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