Search results

  1. Do 19 BGs pop?

    by oceanic i mean at 5 in the morning.
  2. Do 19 BGs pop?

    how 'bout from oceanic realms? ^^
  3. BoA Head enchants

    doesn't work
  4. WTS Brand New hon acc - You choose ALL details

    hihi bump, starting at $15
  5. Battered Hilt worth anything?

    achie hunters. these are rare as hell
  6. WTS Brand New hon acc - You choose ALL details

    I got a promo code for a free hon acc, you get to choose all details, incl acc name, personal details etc. basically auctioning it up, starting at $20.
  7. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    Wait, so you can drop engineering and you keep your tinkers? how does that work? or is it like that with any profession and you keep all your recipe's and i'm just dumb? sorry for OT, but my mate has a 70 mage so we're gonna be doin some casual 2's, what class goes well with a mage?
  8. been gone for a year, BOA question.

    guild boa's (helm/cloak) require you to be honored with the guild, which means you gotta do quests, and tbh that'll be hard at only lvl 80... I guess you could do it with the argent tournament dailies though. getting boa's will be much easier at lvl 85 than at 80...
  9. Is it just me?

    yes i've bought the legs. i'm a hpally as well, you should know what the set bonus is ;) i agree the set gloves are trash :(
  10. New Iphone

    Cut the rope.
  11. need help with VB6 programming

    ^thanks for the input i figured it out anyway. can close this thread now.
  12. need help with VB6 programming

    for school we have to make the following program: Develop a program that will test the user on a number of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. The user will specify the number (i.e. no. of questions) they wish to answer, as well as the type (i.e. operation...
  13. Is it just me?

    just downed atra and chima and GUESS WHAT!!!! nothing. edit: should i spend 2.2k vps on the set legs (i've got the chest atm) or should i just get a diff item which doesn't have a chance to drop from bh?
  14. Is it just me?

    i pug all my raids. I've been single pally healer in all of them. only 1 item has dropped which i can equip.
  15. Is it just me?

    so far, I've killed 18 raid bosses. Conclave x3 Magmaw x3 Omnitron x1 Maloriak x3 Atramedes x1 Halfus x3 Valiona/Theralion x2 Ascendant Council x2 I've gotten 1 piece of loot.... unlucky, or is this normal??
  16. fully undetectable

    which bot do you use? i've asked you this before but i can't remember now :(
  17. US WTS Loads of rare formulas (not necessarily twink related) + Random pieces of gear

    WTS Loads of rare formulas (not necessarily twink related) + Random pieces of gear Frostmourne alliance and horde Recipes are mainly for collector's, I'm not transferring. Post here or whisper in-game to koliantrix :Horde: or Aeonzara :Alliance:. Random: Light Elementium belt, tiny...
  18. <The Seeker> / 3000 quests completed at level 60.

    he's saying he had credit for quests from before the shattering which were removed afterward.