been gone for a year, BOA question.


Ok, so ive been gone for a year, azeroth has blown up, and people have 100k + health..

Im a lazy bastard, and i hate leveling, my main on the server as my twink is level 74, can i still get BOA items at level 80? or do i need to get to level 85 in order to get them now? If so, no BOA's for me, as i have no intentions of buying cata.

Guild BOA's - obtainable on your twink char/mid 70s main? or in order to get guild rep do you need to raid etc with your guild? (*looking for a PAY GUILD BANK MONEY TO GET BOAS BUTTON*)

i believe all BoAs are obtainable by 70+ maybe 80+, but yea, u dont need Cata. there are 4 ways to buy them ? honor, justice points, guild rep, and Argent seals :)
Yeppers 85 does not matter at all next patch honor can be transfered to justice and justice can be transfered to honor GL
You can get the honor points BoAs at 19 in SW or Org.

The PvE BoAs (the JP ones) are a little better, imo, as they tend to have hit more, while the HP/PvP BoAs have resilience. It doesn't seem like you can get enough resil at 19 that it really helps much, though others would know better on that point.
You don't need BoAs to be a good twink, but you need BoAs to be BiS. There are some BoAs that actually get trumped by regular gear which is sad. BoAs get ez moade to get at 70, turn off exp and do dailies for heroics. BoAs are ez moade to get at 80, turn off exp and run heroics. The Argent Tourny have always been a simple and easy way to get BoAs. I need to start doing that when my main is of level...

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