Builtokill’s packing guide for transfers.

Same on Bladefist, many lvl 80's want AGM, because of 'the achivement' yay.....

But sometimes some kind people only take the green trash loot and leave AGM back :p

Happened twice for me, the only 2 mini AGM's i have :S
Enchant Scrolls > Gems for a transferred twink to make money on the AH imho. The top end chant scrolls sell 1-2+ per day with C.50-100%+ profit margins on the cost of mats and vellum.

The deposit prices and supply of raw gems are too high, the margins are too low. Save your gold for paying a lvl 70 to get a full inventory of rumseys ;)

No deposit fee = undercut, check ah, cancel, relist, repeat until sold.

I used to run a very successful trading guild / auction house cooperative with some friends that made us all a lot of gold. Here are some auction house tips that might help a you squeeze out more gold on a new server :

Auction House Tips :

1. Get the auctioneer advanced addon. Get to know the Modules inside out, especially appraiser, undercut, easybuyout and outlier.

a. Enable batch posting for all items you sell on a regular basis, set items to use market pricing model, enable price matching and set a sensible stack size / number.

b. Set the undercut percentage down to 0.2 / 0.1%.

c. Use inventory refresh (alt+refresh button) modes to refresh prices for items in your inventory only, when inventory scan finishes Batch Post all the items in your bags you have marked for bulk posting by CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+batch post.

d. Make your auction house routine as fast as possible. A fast way of checking if you've been undercut is to keep at least 1 of each item in your bags and ALT+REFRESH on the appraiser tab with the buyout column sorted with lowest price at top then POST ITEMS for the items you've been undercut on.

2. Use the postal mail addon. When you get up to around the 100+ auctions on at once mark - set postal addon to not open mail with attachments so you can deal with gold and items separately to save time and bag space.

I think the most auctions I ever had on at one time was about 400. The most items we had on ah at once as a guild was about 1200.

3. Use auction house jedi-mind-tricks to kill your competition. If you're listing 2+ of an item, post items with different characters (undercut yourself) to create a false sense of competition to scare your competitors off. Remember when you've been trying to sell something and an hour later there are 3 other people undercutting you? and the next day? and the day after?

4. There's little you can do about adhoc randoms who post some items once and never again. Just undercut them. Its the regular competitors (a guildie called these ppl AH nemesis) that you should be looking out for, the people who are listing the items you deal in every day. These are the people you need to watch and force off your turf. If your competition isn't leaving be prepared to list items under your break even price.

Patience and persistence is the key. Check your prices are lowest as often as you can, especially from friday to sunday evening and just keep undercutting.

5. If nobody else has listed the item, you're price setting. Log your 2-3+ alts and set a high price then undercut yourself 2-3 times on your alts. 1 titanweave scroll at 310g looks like some greedy bastard taking the piss. 3 'different' people listing titanweave scrolls at 310g, 305g and 297g looks like titanweave weave scrolls are a bit expensive atm.

6. Add all regular AH competitors to friends lists. Watch em logon. Watch em log off then undercut them on 1 or more alts. Often people will use AH at preset times. One of my old trading guilds biggest competitors stopped wow to go to work every morning at just after 8am game time, I left for work 5 minutes after he did ;)

7. Don't join bankeralts to the same guild as mains. Too easy for someone to add to friends as per above. Use < level 10's. Armory statistics show gold earned.

8. Don't be an AH noob and drop 3 items on the AH on lowest price then scream this in /trade :

3xItem X for sale, cheapest on the AH!

Someone may undercut you shortly afterwards. I lol when someone undercuts me and yells about it a few times, I undercut them and my items sell thanks to their advertising.

9. To make serious gold from the AH get a few friends or guildies, especially friends who are online at different times to you to auction items from guildbank as a cooperative - i.e. put all items for sale in guild bank and guildies work together to make sure that a guild member has the lowest price for items the guild is selling.

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