fully undetectable

Infected with what? If you have spyware or malware on your system it can usually be removed without having to resort to a full reformat.

If on the other hand you have been downloading and or doing naughty stuff then nothing short of utterly incinerating your hard drive will do.

But I`m more of an optimist, so state your problems and we`ll try to help :p
I'm not sure if i'm infected by a FUD, but I was caught in the runesacpe powerbot trojan, and some of my accounts were hacked.

i just want to know if i have a FUD. I don't particularly care about any of the accounts, but I do care about my paypal and other personal info

it found some old cracks/keygens and 2 regerrors.

but it still doesnt solve my problem of whether or not i am infected with something that is undetectable. no one knows if they installed FUDs or just stole accounts using the modified botclient.

StealthBot was supposedly used.
Run your computer in SafeMode. Run the following programs: Malwarebyte's, CCleaner, Auslogic, and Space Monger. Will clean everything right up.

99.9% sure the thread on powerbot explained exactly what happened.

they only took your runescape account names & passwords by sending all information used to an email through some line of code so your computer should be fine.

^ that's what i got out of skimming the thread about 3 days ago, so dont quote me on it. i was surprised as fuck that my account(s) didn't get taken as they would have gotten well over 300M in gold/items that I've botted over the past few months.
generic free ones from powerbot.org
Yeah I got an infection like that once, I still get a rash down there like once a month.

wait wut?

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