BoA Head enchants

doesn't work

What addon is that for your bags?
Lovestotwink said:
No it doesnt, ive got it and all the other old AD resistance enchants, same as the old ZG enchants on head BOA's ppl got em but they DONT work.

With the introduction of BoA Head's, Arothille/Lathoriel confirmed they worked. They might be fixed?
Shadow Guard - Item - World of Warcraft could be used same for Ice Guard - Item - World of Warcraft. If you have pants/head with it on they still give the resistance (eg goggles with +10 sr still gives the sr). Only way to get them is if someone stored them in a guildbank before fix, if you kept on main in bags they are now bound to that char.

Not sure if you can put them on BoA headpiece (BoE greens/blues don't work anymore, don't have BoA head to try it out). They are not ingame anymore so if you saved them try it out.

For all clarity, the other head enchants (+nature resist, etc) don't work even if you kept them (enchant needs lvl ..).
Penicillin said:
Not sure if you can put them on BoA headpiece (BoE greens/blues don't work anymore, don't have BoA head to try it out). They are not ingame anymore so if you saved them try it out.

They do work on BoA's. Lathoriel has it :) Incredibly rare and pro.
this was posted right after the shattering if i remember? i have +spell power and +haste on a couple diff boa helms and none of them work til lvl 50. i didn't save any shadow or nature guards though...but i thought i remember someone saying that nature resist was the only one working?
Fizzfizz said:
this was posted right after the shattering if i remember? i have +spell power and +haste on a couple diff boa helms and none of them work til lvl 50. i didn't save any shadow or nature guards though...but i thought i remember someone saying that nature resist was the only one working?

Shadow & Frost are the only versions working.

The 2 I linked do work, here's one working: Utterly @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft , and a low level (lvl 50?) one not working: ßgßug @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft. I poast this example to make clear only 2 enchants could possibly work.

And ty Mialo, aparently they do work on BoA's then, good news to all that kept the 2 working guards.

Stop linking other ppl's armorys and link a SS of a green enchant on a 19 with proof that it was taken after the cata event.

Have you got a working enchant or is it what others have just told you?
I seem to be unclear in what I post. Yes the +10 Frost and Shadow (like the 2 I linked before) do work. I do not think it matters whom the armory belongs to (but as this seems important to you, both linked chars are mine), it is merely to prove to you that +10 Shadow Resistance to head give +10 Shadow Resistance extra to your stats. I have played this rogue in wsg after Cata (small amount) and yes it does still work. I do not feel like posting an ss, if you don't believe me that's fine. The one you linked does not work (as I have stated a few times if you read my posts). As a clear answer to you question, yes I have a working enchant. (You can of course check my armry and look under "resistances", it says +32 for SR)

I allso posted not being sure if you can put them on BoA head (as I do not have a headpiece to try it out on) as the old way of putting them on BoE greens (head or legs to be precise) no longer work. I did mine a long time ago and as I have no BoA headpiece I have not tried it out for some time (ruined 2 trying it on BoE pants after the fix though, became soulbound).

+20 spirit to weapons was meant to give a subtle hint this rogue is old thus putting the head enchant in a time frame (without needing to elaborate like am doing now), yes it did have it's use (stealth regen).

To summerize: Shadow Guard - Item - World of Warcraft and Shadow Guard - Item - World of Warcraft are the only 2 head enchants left to still work. Mialo has provided us with the information that they can/could be put on BoA heads as long as you kept the guards from before they where taken from the game (no confirmation if they still can be put on unless Lathoriel put them on very recently?).

Hope all is clear now.

p.s. Ilovetotwinktoo
Duckhunt reporting in, +10 shadow/frost enchants (still) do work and give the resistance. No longer obtainable.

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