Is it just me?

only 1 piece dropped that you could use, or you only won 1 roll/had the dkp for one item? if its the former thats some shitty rng, if its the latter its either shitty rolls or you need to raid more for dkp
I started taking my alt Rogue 3 weeks ago on a new guild alt team. Killed 21 bosses in total so far (not counting BH) and I am only 3 blues short from completing Cataclysmically Epic. Minus Ring and trinket from valor tokens and Tsanga's Helm from Guild Bank from main's group run, crafted belt and rep gloves.. That's 9 drops in 3 weeks I received.
builtokill said:
i pug all my raids. I've been single pally healer in all of them. only 1 item has dropped which i can equip.

that sux
I've killed Twin drakes for 5 weeks now and havent gotten her cape. Its dropped 6 times (twice on 2 kills) and I still have yet the cape. I was told I was going to get the cape next week

I was in blue shoulders for 4 weeks. I saw pally t11 token drop off cho'gall for 3 of those weeks. Twice one the 2nd & 4th week. I still have yet to get my t11 shoulders but I got lucky and chim shoulders dropped. I was told I was going to get those t11 shoulders those same night that I got burden of mortality. I lost them to a pally with burden of mortality while I already had blue shoulders

I dislike my guild master right now because he's given people unneccessary items so many times. At least he gave me twilights hammer this week in compensation...
id say get another piece first, thats what i always did in LK. id wat to get gloves and legs from wg while grinding points for the helm/shoulders/chest/bis offset gear
Personally I wouldnt wait and go for the t11 set piece that you desire even if it has a chance to drop in bh. They drastically lowered the drop rate that you would normally get tier set items from bh to its counterpart voa. I think out of every week I've done BH since I turned 85 in mid december I've seen 1 hpally drop and it was gloves and by then I had a better piece, gloves from maloriakk. If its one of the few pieces you need to get from vp's do it. If theres something else you could need I'd get that...unless your about to get a set bonus. Depending on the set bonus for your spec I'd look into that as well

Personally I'd buy the set piece if you dont need anything else for vp

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