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  1. Nemzo

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    wow, you're oficially braindead. a class doesn't get a lower skillcap just cause it's fotm you spasticated fuck. what the hell do you know about arenas anyways? all you did was bgs all day long because you were obviously too dumb for arenas
  2. Nemzo

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    I've explained why i played rogue, warlocks and warriors didn't have close to the skillcap a rogue had lol. and I made a priest because I like their playstyle, not because they were fotm. if I'd wanted to play fotm I would have made a mage. stop acting like you can read minds and sit the fuck...
  3. Nemzo

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    exactly, just shut ur mouth next time before making false accusations and making a fool out urself. "cy@" (LOL)
  4. Nemzo

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    the fuck do you know about that lol. i've been playing 70s on and off since wotlk, and sure as hell didn't roll rogue cause of the fotm. rogue had the highest skillcap at 70 by far in 2s which made it the most enjoyable class to play.
  5. Nemzo

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    >plays balance
  6. Nemzo

    Questions regarding the bracket

    thanks for the answers
  7. Nemzo

    Questions regarding the bracket

    Would you be able to compete on the top as arms if you and your partner played correctly?
  8. Nemzo

    Questions regarding the bracket

    How are arms warriors looking, are they still really underpowered? Does tazik & synapse still exist? What is the current fotm? Is the bracket still active? Are queues getting better since start of MoP?
  9. Nemzo

    Is it worth coming back?

    is this bracket still as corrupt as it's always been?
  10. Nemzo

    Meat 1

    Yes but not effectively, most of the time you're just moving by holding in your both mousebuttons.
  11. Nemzo

    Meat 1

    Meat, you seem to be a really cool guy and all, don't take this personally. But yeah, I'm quite sick of everyone saying that Meat is an amazing hunter which he clearly isn't. You can't be a good hunter and not strafe, It's like the first thing you learn as a hunter. And playing a hunter at 70...
  12. Nemzo

    Ok, let's settle this, what is BiS rogue weapon?

    Daggers are far more superior than glaives, you loose way too much damage in dance with glaives. End of discussion.
  13. Nemzo

    Offering services

    i'm pretty sure fuskigare had that skype when i did rbgs with him a while ago
  14. Nemzo

    Offering services

    so you're fuskigare
  15. Nemzo

    Odyne Arena vid

    great quality and video, even though some clips felt kinda pointless to put in (last one for example)
  16. Nemzo

    Last 70 movie. Ninemmglockx/cyberpolis/djspringzx.

    good video apart from slowmos, text explaining what you're doing is enough.
  17. Nemzo

    I am disappointed in you, horde.

  18. Nemzo

    Best nifflevar twink? Rogue, dk or shaman? Dont bother posting if youre a troll

    So harsh. The classes that benifit from the weapons other than rogues (which isn't TOO much considering that they lose ambush damage) are far from superior anyways, it'd be another story if it was a caster weapon.
  19. Nemzo

    Best Disc EU?

    which is why i made a poll with limited options with people that are generally known to be good players
  20. Nemzo

    Best Disc EU?

    That wouldn't work, might do a best SP thread tho