Best nifflevar twink? Rogue, dk or shaman? Dont bother posting if youre a troll

Well the thing is is that on one account I already have 1 85 dk I dont wanna delete. The other account only has one niffle on it. So If I dont like enh ill most likely find another niffle, but dont wanna do that right now. Besides, im leveling a prot warrior to use niffle with :)
If you have to lvl to 71 to use Niffs JUST so you can win arenas or actually play a little better...then you're fucking bad. That being said if you REALLY have to use such a big crutch like that I would say frost dks with niffs are the most op:)
I can say that Enh Shaman should be in the top 2, but you never know what happens in Mists of Pandaria, I would go for Night elf Rogue for the better stealth ability, and it's crazy burst especially with a disc priest.
I can say that Enh Shaman should be in the top 2, but you never know what happens in Mists of Pandaria, I would go for Night elf Rogue for the better stealth ability, and it's crazy burst especially with a disc priest.

The only problem with rogues is I heard they are getting nerfed in MoP. So its between Enh or DK.
The only problem with rogues is I heard they are getting nerfed in MoP. So its between Enh or DK.

god forbid you play something that's nerfed
god forbid you play something that's nerfed

Look. I am making a twink to wreck shit and have fun. Why in the hell would I pick a class that I know is going to get nerfed and not be as good as other classes? The bracket is already unbalanced by allowing 71-74s in it and mages are OP as fuck. So I am taking advantage of it, damnit.
It wont get ugly if people just dont post if they keep the content to the questions I asked in the first post...

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