I am disappointed in you, horde.

Alliance does it aswell as soon as they get a chance,not that 2 wrongs make a right but it ain't just horde
I usually AFK out of the BG if I'm facing Boobs and my teammates have terribad gear or just happen to be backpedalers.

Anyway, GY campers are pathetic lowlifes. GY camping was fun back in cla...no wait, it was never after the first minute. Gj Blizz on changing WSG GY layout, fkin ratedfreet2battlegrounds.
Used to be strongly against gy farming and dishonorable gameplay in general... but a year in the 70's bracket and i'm farming that gy like the tards i used to hate whenever i can.. the cycle of hatred continues :x

Ps. Hai chillton <3
I walk into a bg and this is what i see, 10 filthy hordes is trying to camp me, i got a tazik on my hands and i aint afraid to show it! show it! im one shotting em and u know it!
No need to make premades. I almost always que solo and I am still having a blast doing so. An unbalanced wsg is the worst tho, for both sides. Trust me it gets just as boring for the dominating side in wsg. But in most other bgs you can still do okey even if the teams are heavily unbalanced. Just move and position yourself well, avoid strong points attack weak points ect. Helps if you have hunter tracking ^-^
From the beginning of cross-realm BGs there was always two sides, people who want to have fun and people who want actually to win. In that way i respect those people who do 5man premades with their guild or que with some friends, in the other way there will be always some ego kids who like to do theese stacked 10-15man premades (german,russian, whoever) and that remains problem, i dont say that i havent ever done em, but after you lose for 15man premade you only can think about redemption, unfortinately.
Try playing in US bracket. Alliance dominate BGs with atatleast 8/15 rogues with taziks then the rest priest/mage
On EU there its same story. Pve rogues around, hopefully in MOP their amount will be lower.

ofc they it will be lower when MoP arrives, cus of the dayuum nerf :p gonna sit here n laugh my arse off of every rogue rerolling to something else, belive me it will happen i can predict the future sometimes :D
ofc they it will be lower when MoP arrives, cus of the dayuum nerf :p gonna sit here n laugh my arse off of every rogue rerolling to something else, belive me it will happen i can predict the future sometimes :D

Monks, monks everywhere. Rogue nerf wont do a thing as long as there's some other insanely OP classes. Keyboardturning sh*tters will just roll it and keep globaling you. And before you even realise it's fotm faceroll all over again.

Dunno, warrior is looking decent atm. I will so /laugh /lol /spit /snort + every other emote ingame spam all rogues I kill. (Yes I just reached a whole new lvl of being butthurt).
ofc they it will be lower when MoP arrives, cus of the dayuum nerf :p gonna sit here n laugh my arse off of every rogue rerolling to something else, belive me it will happen i can predict the future sometimes :D

Pve rogue problem is so fckin global, now if i have 50twink friends 40 of them got rogue. But we will see, we will see, hopefully it will not turn everything around that se will have 10warriors in bg instead of 10rogues. In other way i will be more happy about that because warriors was so long in shadow on 70bracket and probably most rare class that you see in arenas.

There also might be some rogues who play their class not because of bugged damage but because of play style and love for the class.

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