Meat 1

Nice vid Meat with all this publicity you can get a bowl of hoopps <33333333

still if only cyanerd wasn't hated by bads >.> gets so many dislikes even though its the most skilled 70 video there is
Meat, you seem to be a really cool guy and all, don't take this personally.

But yeah, I'm quite sick of everyone saying that Meat is an amazing hunter which he clearly isn't. You can't be a good hunter and not strafe, It's like the first thing you learn as a hunter.
And playing a hunter at 70 is not hard at all, hunters probably have the highest skillcap at 85 but that's not the case at all in the 70s bracket, they're missing way too many ablilties which drops the skillcap to the ground.
Meat, you seem to be a really cool guy and all, don't take this personally.

But yeah, I'm quite sick of everyone saying that Meat is an amazing hunter which he clearly isn't. You can't be a good hunter and not strafe, It's like the first thing you learn as a hunter.
And playing a hunter at 70 is not hard at all, hunters probably have the highest skillcap at 85 but that's not the case at all in the 70s bracket, they're missing way too many ablilties which drops the skillcap to the ground.

I do strafe brah :(
Meat, you seem to be a really cool guy and all, don't take this personally.

But yeah, I'm quite sick of everyone saying that Meat is an amazing hunter which he clearly isn't. You can't be a good hunter and not strafe, It's like the first thing you learn as a hunter.
And playing a hunter at 70 is not hard at all, hunters probably have the highest skillcap at 85 but that's not the case at all in the 70s bracket, they're missing way too many ablilties which drops the skillcap to the ground.

Tbh the missing abilities actually raise the skillcap imho, since you need to adjust your playstyle accordingly, especially since we are missing our main defensive abilities in a high burst bracket as 70.
Tbh the missing abilities actually raise the skillcap imho, since you need to adjust your playstyle accordingly, especially since we are missing our main defensive abilities in a high burst bracket as 70.

what? that makes no sense rofl
The fewer abilities you have, the more you need to really utilize and optimize what you do have, can't just derp it along.

yes thats why everyone knows level 1 pvp is the most skill full.....

oops i accidentally pressed bump button "/
don't forget to check out amazing druid solo vid too cuz it's a must see for music.
What's your opinion of hunter's right now? I have one at 66 that I kinda want to play at 70. Any reason to use your bow over legendary one?
What's your opinion of hunter's right now? I have one at 66 that I kinda want to play at 70. Any reason to use your bow over legendary one?

I'd say the damage output is moderate to strong, and the CC is great. The main problem is the lack of healing abilities (other than Exhilaration), and lack of CC that can be used to 'lock down' a target you are trying to kill (stuff that won't break on damage, i.e. intimidation + silencing shot).

Overall moderately strong, but will need help to survive and kill hybrids.
How much value do you place on resilience and do you prefer agility or PvP power?

I like to run with around 25% PvP power, 55% resi and around 2k RAP. This gives me a nice balance, though some may think the resi is a little low - this is only an issue against prot palas and well geared spriests however.

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