Is it worth coming back?

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loco 'till the lights out
Sup, Best Rogue world signing in, is it worth returning to 70 in its current state? (I will still be playing rogue ofc)

Questions :

Queue Times?

New FotM?

Is it true you need unlocked exp to do BGs / Arena?

Hey :3

Queue times for BGs can be from around 10 mins to 1hr+, depending on when you queue (don't expect any pops late at night/early morning).

Hybrids are the new fotm, spriest and prot pala especially.

Gain exp from BGs? gg ill ding off 1 win.

Arena? doubt they even pop anyways.

10 min queues - 1 hour? no 5 am queues fuck that.

my question is answered ty Asa.

Hey :3

Queue times for BGs can be from around 10 mins to 1hr+, depending on when you queue (don't expect any pops late at night/early morning).

Hybrids are the new fotm, spriest and prot pala especially.


ques times are painfully long, imo it has nothing to do with the new expansion but more to do with players being disenfrancished due to the serious imbalances. but it is not just in 70-74 bracket. the problem is in all brackets and even at 90. many classes got rather wholesale nerfed, rogues being one, DK's, wars, enh-shams, list goes on. healing being still to high, even after 2 hotfix nerfs and one on absorbtion/bubbles

disagree with prot pal being a a fotm hybrid, agree with s-priests, they are pretty much a full blown healing.bubbling priest out of SF.

- ele-shams have insane heals, CCs (includes a stun) they are almost what a res-sham was in cata. will take about 3 players to kill one
- bal-druids, rejuvs imo are equal to if not stronger than that of a res-druid. they can use it in boomkin with glyph. they are at times right behind healers in the charts
- full blown healers are freaking insane raid boss FTOM! such as h-pal, res-sham, res-druid. can talk up to 5 players to kill one and it will take awhile

even blizz said concerning class balance Dev Watercooler: Mists of Pandaria PvP - World of Warcraft so the problem is pretty much even at 90

HealingWe agree that off-spec healers are too competitive with dedicated healers. Specs such as Shadow, Elemental, and Balance are supposed to be able to provide some healing—that’s one of their perks—but they shouldn’t be able to substitute for a dedicated healer. The change we are going to try here is to have PvP Power benefit either your damage or healing depending on spec. We are concerned that healing may be too high even for dedicated healers, especially for Restoration Shaman and Holy Paladins, who are incredibly strong in PvP at the moment. After we tone down some of the burst damage coming from Hunters, Warriors, and Mages, we may try the PvP healing debuff at 30% instead of the current 15%, but that won’t happen until after we’ve resolved the damage issues.

as for monks, not often seen at 70, but i was in a BG other day and there was a 70 windwalker monk on a losing team in EOTS.. died only 3 times, pulled 189K damage (#4 overall) 169K+ healing (#5 overall) behind 2 res-druids, res-sham, and h-pal. he out healed a d-priest, and another h-pal. he had some guardian items, mostly rest was raid gear. sorry forgot the name even though i looked him up on WOW after the BG due to going WTF numerous times and then seeing the stats at the end. i could not stay on him with my prot-pal. they have rather insane utility and slows on their opponents, along with a heal or passive heal that is like a mini LoH of a palidan but on low CDs. took 3-4 of us to pin him down and kill him. imo, it is the new WOTLK type DK of 70 if you can get one geared. not sure if a monk can get 70 PVP gear, the five armor pieces?
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finding the clips where I get oneshotted by harsh words xdd

i play my 70 prot paladin without glyph of harsh words, as for hunters, i can kill them with ease, unless they run. back to the glyph, tried it and yes it works providing you are on the better healed team when pugging into BGs, i found myself using WOG for my paladin more than as an attack so i use other glyphs

this glyph which was intended i believe for ret-pats, btw works serious crazy when in holy spec since HP's come easily that like to play offensive. holy is my second spec and i use glyph of harsh words. use HS for myself and players, WOG's for attacks. WOG heals are smaller than they were in CATA and HS's are insanely large than they were in CATA.
Honestly, it's not worth returning. The arena and BG queue times have both dramatically increased in wait times. BG's are always EoTS or WSG an in arena 9 times out of 10 it will be some form of a Shaman/Priest
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