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  1. 5.4

    Using 4k HP as a base, with no added resil, just standard 40%, thats 10,000 effective HP :O
  2. New F2P Channel Aerie Peak

    This is exactly how I feel after reading this thread. Thumbs up!
  3. Ptr

    I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't stack stamina as their primary stat.
  4. End of the f2ps?

    Others may have more in depth knowledge but from what I understand vanilla enchants do not scale, and so far no enchants scale up (only down).
  5. Can F2Ps get to Isle of Quel'Danas?

    Magisters Terrace and Sunwell summoning stones.
  6. End of the f2ps?

    Serious question as I'm not trying to troll, but how would you guard against a 1.6k crit? How about multiple crits? I've asked a lot of people this question and their simple answer is "you don't". As I mainly play on a f2p account and my HP can top out at ~2.3k (druid in bear form) getting hit...
  7. Trying something new

    Naw, even in pugs I like to think that my spells are contributing to a win. I know a lot of people don't take BGs as serious but still, that's just my opinion :)
  8. Trying something new

    While I do agree with this statement I would respectfully disagree with this statement It's not so much a problem with healers having a default 15% to their hit, but putting that aside a missed Psycic Scream, HoJ, Wind Sheer, or even Roots could potentially lose a match. As for the topic I...
  9. Most embarrassing mistakes in a battleground?

    It's not so much an embarrassing moment for me, but I mainly play Tauren hpally and laugh a little when rogues are stuck to my hip and try to kick my racial stomps. Who needs to fake cast >.>
  10. suggestions plz!

    Some of the caster classes like Mage and Lock are very sparse, but really for good reason currently with spell hit so messed up with the scaling. I've heard a few good things about Rets coming from the PTR but haven't verified anything myself. You could always make an easy transition to Prot...
  11. Why do we /AFK, or why don't we /AFK?

    9 times out of 10 I won't afk. Even if there is a GY farm going on I'll manage to slip out (easier than you think) and just drop a picknic basket somewhere and chill. The other 1 time it's because I have other F2Ps I could switch to and try another match.
  12. Can you get in trouble for this? (level 1 worgen twink)

    Meph, I sent you a PM (at least I think I did. It sent but I don't see it in my folder lol)
  13. Can you get in trouble for this? (level 1 worgen twink)

    You will be fine. I've had a sploited level 1 worgen druid bank alt since the beginning of cata on Korgath. However that exploit was fixed and is no longer possible. Are you saying there is a new way to get out of the starting zone? I'd love to have another lvl 1 worgen bank alt on other servers.
  14. Got my arena grand master and I'm ready!

    Congrats! It's not an easy feat anymore to get an AGM now that cross realm zones are in effect.
  15. WTB better horde F2P players.

    Karma for rolling a 24 ;-P
  16. Mists of Pandaria and 70 Twinks

    Assassination rogues get an execute; Discuss.
  17. help with opener macro

    What is it that is not happening when you use the macro? Honestly I'd leave "startattack" out of it because if, for whatever reason, your attack doesn't go off you start auto attacking and pop out of stealth without using the ability. And just out of curiosity why #showtooltip Ambush when...
  18. HOLY S**** X10

    This guy must have earned 41k HKs since this morning. Edit: Although looking closely at his stats that probably isn't to far from the truth. Only 310 BGs played and hardly no achievements. First PVP achieves started in August of 2010. Double edit...
  19. BIS Rogue PvP trinkets

    Blackened Naaru Sliver from SWP is another good one for rogue.
  20. rbg/arena titles removal?

    Probably won't because those titles are awarded through achievements.