WTB better horde F2P players.

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Title says it all.

i am sick and tired and running into 1800hp alliance hunters vs 500hp horde warlocks...

why is there such a huge difference between the average quality of alliance and horde F2P?
Title says it all.
i am sick and tired and running into 1800hp alliance hunters vs 500hp horde warlocks...
why is there such a huge difference between the average quality of alliance and horde F2P?
They keep saying it's balanced out and all they go up against is 1800 hp horde hunters with 500hp alliance warlocks, and they say it's because all we do is premade with other 20s from Aerie Peak who are not hunters so that is why we do not see it, but I do solo queuing a lot and I rarely see any of the absurd amount of hunters on Horde as I do on Alliance, but I've said many times and I will continue to, RNG can be a bitch so I could easily just be missing them all.

and to be honest I can't imagine how there wouldn't be more people rolling Hunters on Alliance, in every single bracket Alliance is typically the stronger twinking group solely because of the human trinket racial, the largest 80 twink guild is Alliance and the largest 70 twink guild (to my knowledge) was also Alliance, those are the only two other brackets I have experience in but the point seems pretty valid. If you wanted to be complete BiS you should probably roll Alliance so you can stack two beneficial trinkets rather then needing an insignia trinket. Not to mention their BiS agility user helmet vastly outweighs ours in both stats and ease of access.

Kinda rambling, but yes I do believe Alliance is stacked higher with leather/agility using classes, hunters above all, from personal experience and common sense.
But as I said, it's possible I just miss a lot of the horde hunters.

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Title says it all.

i am sick and tired and running into 1800hp alliance hunters vs 500hp horde warlocks...

why is there such a huge difference between the average quality of alliance and horde F2P?
Most OP class which is the easiest to gear, seems to be on Alliance?
No time to gear as Horde. Ding 20, BRB queuing WSG. Ahhyeahhh, 500 HP with no mount.

I actually did that the other day. Got to 20 on my baby Pally, needed honor to get the PvP pieces. Went into the game with ~650 HP, no mount, no drinks. Spent the time before the gate opened making a trolling macro which I proceeded to spam at anyone who opened on me and didn't kill me.

Good times.
Not just gear,but racials as someone mentioned before.
Vanish/in combat charge for nelf rogues/warriors, and 2min cd trinket for humans.

Blizzard doesnt care about p2p twinks ,who doesnt have gear problems (extra boas,faction change), let alone f2p twinks.
At least if you see a 1400k hp horde is probably more skilled than the average 1400 hp ally scrub.
as everyone saids, Allys have so much advantages over Hordes in this bracket but being as Undead Warlock myself, Horde also has alot of good things. If allys didnt have the eyepatch, horde would pwn. That means racials, gearing , que times are all better on Horde.
even if many hunters go alliance for eyepatch, you dont need to talk shit about every other parts about being an Alliance player or all the other alliance players
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No time to gear as Horde.

? Your xp is off you have all the time in the world.

@ OP The reason is that people are lazy when it comes to gearing new toons, but on ally lazy gearing gets you farther and backpeddling badly geared hunts are viable. The good horde players are out there, but a lot of them have sought sanctuary from the bad gear by premading (not bad, but means that hordeside puggers will hardly ever see them).
? Your xp is off you have all the time in the world.

Only as much time as you are willing to put in. It comes down to laziness, instant gratification, frustration, among other things. Sometimes, it's why spend 20 mins in queue for WC/DM/Stocks/whatever for a chance at gear, when you can spend 1 minute to get into WSG?

I understand why people do it, hell, I've done it myself. It's a game. I've long gotten over caring what people do in this game. If I don't like it, I switch to another alt, log off, do something else, whatever floats my boat at the time.
Sometimes, it's why spend 20 mins in queue for WC/DM/Stocks/whatever for a chance at gear, when you can spend 1 minute to get into WSG?

This. I rolled alliance fury (trying prot for a change atm) warrior for eyepatch and human racial. Because I have to wait 10 minutes for ques, I end up going to Halaa for my whiskey, fishing and farming for my Elixirs of Giant Growth, and even spent a fair amount of time farming for my foreman's legs (i got 2 foreman's gloves in a row, but still no legs. RNG is screwing with me...). It doesn't help that the majority of good hordies premade together, making it faceroll for them, and removing them from the pugs which severely need their guidance, and frankly, their dps/heals.

Something I have noticed, is that horde generally has more heals than alliance. (WTB pocket healer on Alleria)
There are plenty of good horde out there, some of them pre-made and some of them don't. Don't let that stop you from queing though, I usually find myself in decent pugs kinda sorta most of the time.

Not getting angry all the time might also help you out (cough,cough veinte, cough)
Title says it all.

i am sick and tired and running into 1800hp alliance hunters vs 500hp horde warlocks...

why is there such a huge difference between the average quality of alliance and horde F2P?
Karma for rolling a 24 ;-P
how are you getting 1800 hp unbuffed ally huntards?Im curious.Share the gear.I could only think of getting 10 more hp on my huntard due to dalrends sacred charge.

Change out ur crutchpatch and replace with LFH, replace your cloak of bandit with the stam cloak, replace dual wicked daggers with GSJ.
Not sure if you can get the Blackfathom leggings (which would add 10hp).

bringing your from 1722 to 1852 unbuffed F2p.

Add it Fort +180 and Halani Whiskey +200 and your looking at 2232+42 (If you rock Alchemy from the health pot and drop skinning) and that makes you a grand total 2274 without 24 King of blessings. So either way, with buffs, you'd be looking at way to much dam HP.

There you go, 1800hp Alli Hunter without buffs.
Yes, you would basically destroy the point of a hunter with some of this stuff, losing mass amounts of AP and crit and such, but its how you hit that much hp)

And dont tell me hunters cant rock GSJ, Felix used to do it (and probably still does at appropriate times)
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No time to gear as Horde. Ding 20, BRB queuing WSG. Ahhyeahhh, 500 HP with no mount.

I actually did that the other day. Got to 20 on my baby Pally, needed honor to get the PvP pieces. Went into the game with ~650 HP, no mount, no drinks. Spent the time before the gate opened making a trolling macro which I proceeded to spam at anyone who opened on me and didn't kill me.

Good times.

This is absolutely wrong, you can do couple of bg's WHILE leveling and get enough honor for ring/neck.
Afterwards you need to do couple of dungeon runs and get some pieces of gear so you have at least 900+ hp before entering bg's.
By having 650hp you are like a walking dead in bg (not to mention that you can contribute 0% to win for your team)

But ofc you already knew this, you are just trolling, right? ;)
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