Can you get in trouble for this? (level 1 worgen twink)

I was thinking of making a level 1 twink worgen. I recently learned of a way out of the starting zone at level one. With some thought I'm pretty sure you could make it to Behsten without dinging. Now my question to the community is what would blizzard do, if anything, if they found out you had done this? Do you think people will be reporting you left and right when they saw you? I just don't want to jeopardize my account. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
People would probly have a big yellow question mark above their head. Making them currious, and therefor ask a game master if they changed it, or if its an explore. I dont think people would report you, but maybe rather ask a gm instead. ( There is no right answer for this, since it's unknown what a gm would do in this situation. But in the terms of use, you are not allowed to use explores/bugs. )

- Dreeze
in theory, blizzard being a responsible game developer wouldn't alow such things to happen.

based on that, there's no fault to you.

So you don't think my account would be in danger for doing such a thing? I love worgen and would very much enjoy twinking one out at level one.
So you don't think my account would be in danger for doing such a thing? I love worgen and would very much enjoy twinking one out at level one.
You will be fine. I've had a sploited level 1 worgen druid bank alt since the beginning of cata on Korgath. However that exploit was fixed and is no longer possible.

Are you saying there is a new way to get out of the starting zone? I'd love to have another lvl 1 worgen bank alt on other servers.
Use of exploits are againsts the terms of use w/e, so i wouldn't really do it tbh, even though i have done a few c:
Usually they just delete the character and give you a warning ... but in theory they could ban your account
I have exploited 2x level 1 goblins out from the starting area. The first one got deleted because people were asking GMs how it was possible and mentioned my characters name in the reports. Second one I still have. I have few level 1 worgens outside aswell and haven't got any questions about it from other players. I don't believe a GM would really ban you, unless he/she is a douche.
I've been making 1 worgens and skipping those god awful quests since 4.3. Forever being asked about it, Never been spoken to by a gm.
just like some of the others i´ve had a lvl 1 twink worgen named shorty for quite a while. And ppl have kept on asking me how i got out, and i simply reply them, and ive never been whispered by a GM

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